Rising Sun Performance Company returns to outdoor children’s theatre with the New York City premiere of Ashley Laverty and Travis Kendrick’s short musical play, featuring the talents of Rising Sun’s 2009 ensemble members and guest artists. Dotty Dot was originally developed by Laverty and Kendrick, in collaboration with the Experimental Theatre Project, at the Studio Theater at Point Park University in February 2008, followed by a tour in the Pittsburgh School district. Dotty Dot makes its New York City debut September 19th with free outdoor performances.
Show running time is approximately 30 minutes.
The show is performed outdoors, and audience members are recommended to bring blankets or lawn chairs. No traditional seating is provided.
Filled with memorable songs, colorful costumes and valuable lessons, Dotty Dot is a delightful new musical for all ages!
A group of neighborhood children set out to put on a show, when Dotty Dot attempts to steal the spotlight. Lessons are learned and friendships are put to the test.For more information, visit www.risingsunnyc.com.