Tokyo's acclaimed Company East returns to New York with a unique adaptation of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Director and choreographer Kenji Kawarasaki's World Premiere production, which blends traditional eastern techniques of Noh with modern western dance to produce culturally rich dance-drama, begins performances on January 29 in The Annex Theatre at La MaMa ETC.
Infused with the Buddhist ideas of love and death and the spirit of Zen, Company East's Hamlet faithfully follows Shakespeare's original plot. Hamlet is away at University when he hears that his father has suddenly died, and his mother has married his Uncle Claudius. He is recalled to Denmark where he seethes, consumed with grief and anger. Haunted by the ghost of his father, Hamlet becomes obsessed with the idea that his uncle murdered his father and that his mother has been disloyal, and that he must avenge his father's death.
The production incorporates six video projectors that will display both words and images, making the experience truly multicultural and accessible for Japanese and English speaking audiences alike.
The title role of Hamlet will be played by Hiroshi Jin, an internationally acclaimed actor and dancer best known for his ground-breaking, gender-bending performances in roles including Lady Macbeth and Salome. The cast also includes Sho Tohno, Yoko Tomabechi, Yuji Koide, Barnardo, Mutsutaka Jin, and Daisuke Kaji. The production features video design by Yoshiaki Takano, lighting by Jin Nakayama, and production management by Yoshifumi Seo.
Company East was created by Hiroshi Jin, Kenji Kawarasaki, and Yoshifumi Seo in 1990 to to foster international artistic and cultural exchange. Their production of Medea toured Greece in 1996 and became the first Oriental company to perform at the ancient ruins of Cyprus. It won Favorite Show in the Rarunaka Festival in 1997 and was once again invited to perform for the Japan Greece Friendship centennial in 1999. In 2002 the company toured to the Avignon Festival in France and The Edinburg Festival with Kinkakuji, the Golden Pavilion, based on the novel by Mishima. Their 2004 production of Salome at the Edinburgh Festival earned Five Stars from The Scotsman newspaper. Company East will premiere Hamlet in Japan in April 2009.
Company East's Hamlet runs January 29 - February 8, Thursday - Saturday at 7:30 PM and Sunday at 2:30 PM. La MaMa ETC is located at 74A East Fourth Street (between Bowery and 2nd Avenue, accessible from the F & V trains at 2nd Ave). Tickets are $25 / $20 for students & seniors, available at 212-475-7710 or
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