In this beloved tale, we follow the adventures of a young man named d'Artagnan as he joins the king’s Musketeer of the Guard. Joined by friends and fellow musketeers, Athos, Porthos and Aramis, they must travel through the rustic landscapes of early 17th century England and France to protect the royal family they have sworn an oath to. Scandal, intrigue, romance, and good old fashioned sword-fighting can be expected in this swash-buckling adventure. A co-production with Norfolk State University Theatre Company.
Virginia Stage Company is at 108 East Tazewell Street, Nofolk, VA.
A Sherlock Carol (12/4/24-12/29/24)
A Merry Little Christmas Carol (12/4/24-12/29/24)
Dracula, A Feminist Revenge Fantasy Really (10/16/24-11/3/24)
Dracula: A Feminist Revenge Fantasy, Really (10/16/24-11/3/24)
Arsenic & Old Lace (9/15/24-9/15/24)
Arsenic and Old Lace (9/4/24-9/22/24)
Summer Movie Nights: DEATH BECOMES HER (8/17/24-8/17/24)
Summer Movie Nights: MEAN GIRLS (8/14/24-8/14/24)
Summer Movie Nights: ENCANTO (8/10/24-8/10/24)
Summer Movie Nights: CLUE (8/7/24-8/7/24)
The premier professional theatre in southeastern Virginia, Virginia Stage Company was founded in 1978 by members of the Hampton Roads community who had a deep desire to make live theatre a part of the area’s cultural life. For its home, VSC chose the Wells Theatre in downtown Norfolk, which was fully restored in 1986 and is now a National Historic Landmark.
Every Brilliant Thing (6/28/24-6/28/24)
An Evening With The John Toomey Jazz Quartet (7/27/24-7/27/24)
Choir Boy
Little Theatre of Norfolk (1/10 - 1/26) | ||
Chrysler Hall (2/4 - 2/9) | ||
Georgia Rogers Farmer: Perfect Pair
Richmond Triangle Players (3/27 - 3/29) | ||
Tina: The Tina Turner Musical (Non-Equity)
Chrysler Hall (1/7 - 1/12) | ||
Little Shop of Horrors
Wells Theatre (3/12 - 3/30) | ||
Live Arts (2/14 - 3/2) | ||
Pretty Woman (Non-Equity)
Chrysler Hall (5/6 - 5/11) | ||
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