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THE WULFEATER - 10th Ave Arts Center Non Equity Auditions

Posted September 23, 2024
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THE WULFEATER - 10th Ave Arts Center

the wulfeater | Casting Call

Posting Date: September 15, 2024

Project Info: the wulfeater - An interactive musical theater production based within a fascist neoliberal hellscape.

Project Type: non-union, not paid.

Production Dates: Planned opening July 2025, 4-5 week run of weekend shows. Rehearsals planned to begin April 2025. Some principal roles may be invited/asked to attend occasional workshopping sessions prior to full rehearsals commencing.

Production Location: San Diego, CA

For more information on the project, please visit


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Casting details: We are casting for the following roles:

Magdalene (Maggie): Female presenting. Mezzo. 20s-30s. Works at the wulfeater, desperate to imagine a life other than the one she's living. Rebellious, often the odd woman out. Some might say she's a hopeless romantic but more likely she is delusional. A dreamer, chaotic, generally annoying. Easily unhinged.

Must submit the following:

- 1 minute vocal self tape. Recommended artistic styles: Joni Mitchell, Regina Spektor, Tori Amos

- Dance self tape of this sample choreography:

Archie: Male presenting. Counter tenor, strong falsetto. 20s-40s. Police officer, relatively ordinary. Behind closed doors he's tragically sad and self loathing. All he wants is for his wife to love him. Deeply disturbed by emasculation and drawn to violence to prove his manliness. **Plans for a scene with nudity in which he frantically gets dressed.**

Must submit the following:

- 1 minute vocal self tape. Recommended artistic styles: Simon and Garfunkle, Fleet Foxes.

- Dance self tape of approximately 30 seconds of improvisational body movement to this song: The singer in the tape provides some great movement inspiration. The journey you should bring us on includes you dancing in your room in your undies when you were 12, agro strong man rage, maybe queer maybe not but definitely not heterosexual, are you Elvis or Pee Wee Herman? Hard to tell. f you don't feed ridiculous you're not doing it right.

wulfeater girls: All genders encouraged to submit. wulfeater girls are the performers/ permanent residents of the wulfeater giving big girl boss energy. Generally feminine presenting. Solid jazz/jazz funk/ contemporary dancers. There will be some featured vocal solos, however not all wulfeater girls will need to sing solos. If you are interested in a vocally featured wulfeater girl role, consider a vocal submission in a punk rock style. If you do not want a vocally featured role, you do not need to submit a vocal recording.

Optional to submit:

- 1 minute vocal self tape. Recommended styles: Spinerette, Bikini Kill, Patti Smith etc. If you are already submitting for Maggie, you don't need a second song.

Must submit:

- Dance self tape of this sample choreography:

wulfeater boys: Patrons of the wulfeater. Right wing nationalist fuck boys who work really hard at appearing like super tough hetero men, but are clearly interested in exploring their softer sides at the wulfeater.

Must submit:

- 1 minute vocal self tape. Recommended styles: Iggy Pop, Viagra Boys. David Bowie. The Doors. Something that highlights your acting and ability to completely lose yourself in the performance. If you are already submitting for Archie, you do not need to submit a second song in this style, but are welcome to do so to best showcase your abilities.

- Dance self tape of approximately 30 seconds of improvisational body movement/ dance to this song: . The singer in the tape provides some great movement inspiration. The journey you should bring us on includes you dancing in your room in your undies when you were 12, agro strong man rage, maybe queer maybe not but definitely not heterosexual, are you Elvis or Pee Wee Herman? Hard to tell. If you don't feed ridiculous you're not doing it right.

We will also be identifying covers/ swings for the following roles (no guaranteed shows in these cover/swing roles):

Tyler, Archie, Magdalene, Thea, Diana

*Note: the roles of Archie and Magdalene may or may not be double cast

Audition process:?

Step 1: Fill out the form below and submit your vocal/ dance self tapes as required for the roles you are auditioning for.

Step 2: Selected submissions will be invited to call backs Sunday October 20 at 5:30 PM. If you are called back for principal roles, you will be sent an instrumental track and sample vocals to prepare.

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