California’s Great America (Santa Clara, CA) is seeking Singers who Move Well for Winterfest with casting services provided by RWS & Associates.
Producing Company: Cedar Fair/California’s Great America
Casting Company: RWS & Associates
Franklyn Warfield, Senior Casting Director
Seeking: Non-Equity performers, over the age of 18, with dynamic personalities, who are able to entertain by connecting with an audience. Theme Park, Cruise Ship, and Children’s Theatre credits are a plus.
Winterfest 2016 will feature two holiday-themed live shows. Performances will run November 25-27, December 2-4, 9-11, 16-23, 26-30, 2016.
Yule Cool Christmas: Male and Female Vocalists with a strong pop/contemporary sound and presence. Belters and tenors/baritenors who move extremely well. Rehearses November 7-23.
Holly Jolly Trolley: Male and Female Vocalists with a classic/Broadway sound for a Turn of the Century feel. Sopranos, altos, tenors and baritones who move well. Rehearses November 10-23.
Open Call for Singers who Move Well (Non-Union) will be held Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 10am (Female Singers who Move) and 2pm (Male Singers who Move) at Pearl Studios, 500 8th Avenue (between 35th and 36th Streets), 12th Floor, NYC.
Please prepare two contrasting 16-bar pop/rock or musical theatre selections showing range and personality. Bring sheet music in correct key; accompanist will be provided. Bring headshot and resume stapled together. You may be called back to move later the same day; bring dance clothes/shoes.
Pay Rate: $600/week. Lodging provided. Shared cast rental cars also provided on site.