Fort Wayne Civic Theatre AUDITIONS for all of the
3rd Annual Northeast Indiana Playwright Festival Plays
Scripts may be signed out with a refundable $10 deposit.
Featured Play-Alive & Dead in Indiana (June 1-10) Rated PG-Adapted by Doug Long, Based on the book byMichael Martone
Civic theatre presents this mythological and very funny look at the influential and, at times indecent, Indiananatives who have called it home. Celebrate the history and heritage of the Hoosier state, with some imagined stories of real people, including James Dean, Vice President Dan Quayle, the sultan of secret spices, Colonel Sanders, and the first student of sex, Alfred Kinsey. Through the narrator’s voice each story stands on its own, yet flows seamlessly into this clever compilation. Doug Long and Michael Martone will be attending the Festival and conducting a workshop, participating in panel and post show/readings and discussions. Guest Director: Louise Jones
1st Place - Althea’s Well by Ruth Tyndall Baker (Full Production) - God-fearing Althea Wheeler struggles to hold her own against her abusive husband, and by praying to her personal God, finds the strength to do the unspeakable. This morality play is set in post-depression Missouri where educated drifters are viewed with great suspicion - except by a God-fearing woman! The drifter finds his need for family met in Althea. In a theme that resonates in any decade, the heroine overcomes emotional and financial burdens to claim her own happiness. Guest Director: Gregory Stieber
2nd Place - Hands Under the Table by Theron RD Steinke (Stage Reading-2 rehearsals only) – This one-act drama takes a raw and uncensored glimpse into the private lives of characters in three different scenarios taking place throughout the city at 2:00 am. We first meet Frank and Elsie recovering from a break-in in their quiet, refined home. Across town we peer into Biggie’s Strip Club where 19 year old Cassie is caught by her father, trying to comprehend his daughter’s new part-time job. Finally, on two adjoining balconies, neighbors Scott and Kate discuss Kate’s dangerous relationship with her boyfriend.
Guest Director: Kirby Volz
3rd Place - Spring at the Willowbrook Inn by Douglas C. Evans and Jonathan Van Dyke (Stage Reading-2 rehearsals only) –
Both a comedy and drama, the play follows the lives of Cooper Stanwyk and Joshua Hill from their first meeting in 1967 at a motivational conference. This unlikely pair develops a deep relationship based on mutual understanding and love as their lives unfold separately. Through correspondence and decades of meeting at the Willowbrook they become pivotal in each others lives. The story touches on the struggles of different eras, the sadness of regret, and the hope and courage of two people that are ultimately connected. Guest Director: Harvey Cocks
Auditions: Sun., April 15, 5-9 p.m.-West and East Rehearsal Halls @ Arts United Center - No Call Backs
Please arrive early to check in and fill out the audition forms for Alive and Dead in Indiana, Althea’s Well and the two readings for the 2nd & 3rd place winning plays. Please call Phillip Colglazier to sign up to audition
(260-422-8641 ext. 225).
Rehearsals: Mon.-Fri., April 30th – May 31st @ Plymouth Church, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Tech: Tuesday, May 29, AUC Stage 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Dress Rehearsals: Tues.-Thurs., May 29-31, AUC Stage 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Performances: Fri., June 1st thru June 10th
Performance Times: Alive and Dead in Indiana & Althea’s Well will be performed in alternation using the same stage at Arts United Center (AUC). Thurs @ 7:30 p.m. (6:30 call time), Fridays & Saturdays @ 8 p.m., (7pm call), Saturday matinee @ 2 p.m. on June 9th, and Sunday, June 3 & 10 @ 2 p.m. (1:00 call time), and possible Brush Up Rehearsal on Wed. June 6th. The 3rd Place Reading will take place on Saturday, June 2nd @ 12 noon and the 2nd Place Reading on Saturday, June 2nd @ 4:00 p.m.
The Directors for the 2nd & 3rd place Play Readings will be present at the April 15th audition to observe and audition. If you are interested in only doing the 2nd or 3rd place play readings you may indicate it on your audition form and meet the director. A quick audition will take place and the directors will select whom they like. The 2nd & 3rd Place Plays will be presented as stage readings on the Festival weekend of June 1-3, 2012 only. Each of these plays will be presented once during the Festival. Each actor will receive a free pass into the entire Festival which will feature Doug Long and Michael Martone as our guest moderators, workshop instructor and guest panelists.
CHARACTERS for Alive & Dead in Indiana:
6 Men, 3 Women
An ensemble cast of 9 players will portray several different Hoosier characters, including Dan Quayle and James Dean.
CHARACTERS for Althea’s Well: 3 Women, 3 Men
Joseph Lee Wheeler: Mid 20’s, he wears work clothes.
Althea Wheeler: Mid 50’s, dressed in faded clothes, she is worn-out but intelligent and God-fearing.
Rose Wheeler: Late 40’s, single, she dresses with flair to attract men. Her speech reflects more education.
Vernon Wheeler: Late 50’s, he tinkers with motors, farms a little, and secretly deals in property. Dresses in bib or cover-alls
Carl Thomas: Mid 30’s, he is a nice-looking, personable man trying to get by in hard times. A stack of various kinds of hats rides his head.
Elaine Dickson: 20’s or 30’s, she is thin, poorly dressed, has stringy hair although fairly attractive.
If you would like to serve on the backstage crew, please contact Robert Shoquist at
260 422-8641 ext. 227.