AUDITIONS FOR a new script devising team
Writers/Directors: Marisa Adame and Aaron Zilbermann
Exploring the possibilities of comprehensive sexuality education:
What it could be, and what it could mean for Dallas ISD
Engage in the process of collectively devising the development of a script about comprehensive sexuality education for youth in a time of shame
Auditions will be held virtually with 2 parts:
Submit a video of a 1-minute monologue of your choice and a 30-second movement piece based on a short text of your choice to by May 15
A virtual interview/audition scheduled between May 18-29
Open Age open ethnicity
Devising workshops will run June 1 to June 26
Actors are paid a $360 stipend.
E-mail Aaron Zilbermann at for additional information or to submit a video of a 1-minute monologue and 30-second movement piece.