The Missoula Children’s Theatre begins the 2024-2025 Community Series with an open AUDITION for the horrifyingly popular musical, Little Shop of Horrors, Sunday, August 18, 2024 from 12 Noon to 4PM. Ages 18 and older are welcome to audition and no previous experience is required. The process will include singing, reading from the script and a dance/movement portion. The production is rated PG-13- Parental Guidance Recommended.
Use the Main street entrance and proceed to the 3rd floor to complete an audition form. This is a three-week run, with public performances scheduled for October 10-27. More specific information about the roles and music will be available on the MCT website by August 5th.
From the creators of some of Disney’s most beloved shows comes this quirky sci-fi tale of Seymour, an insecure, love-stricken flower shop employee who goes to unworldly lengths to win over Audrey, his secret crush. After naming a new and unusual breed of plant after her, “Audrey II” turns out to need much more than water to survive. Little Shop of Horrors is a cult-classic, drama-rom-com turned beloved musical that has been delighting audiences for decades.
Joseph Martinez (Director), Greg Bolin (Music Director) and Annika Charlson (Choreographer) have available roles to cast including Seymour, Audrey, Mushnik, the Dentist, Audrey II (the Plant), and a small featured ensemble including Crystal, Ronnette and Chiffon.
Little Shop of Horrors is sponsored by Madison Creek Furnishings. The performances for this three-week run are October 10*-27, 2024 at the Missoula Children’s Theatre. Tickets are on sale now! *Thursday, October 10th is Premiere Night with special offerings and pricing. See MCT website for details. For more information, visit, or call (406) 728-7529, Noon to 5PM, M-F.