Little Red Riding Hood
An original musical adventure
Directed by Karen Rolston
Thurs., May 8
5:00 pm: Ages 8-11
7:00 pm: Ages 12-18
Fri., May 9
5:00 pm: Ages 8-11
7:00 pm: Ages 12-18
EVCT Rehearsal Studio
4501 E. Main St., Mesa
(SE corner of Main and Greenfield)
Auditions will consist of singing, dancing, and reading from the script. No previous experience or preparation required. Bring a photo that doesn't need to be returned and come dressed for movement.
Callbacks on Sat., May 11 at 9:00 am. Rehearsals begin Mon., May 12 and continue Mondays through Thursdays from 6:00 pm-9:00 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 am-1:00 pm. Rehearsals are at the EVCT Rehearsal Studio, 4501 E. Main St., Mesa. Dress rehearsals will be June 16, 17, & 18 from 4:00 pm-9:00 pm at the Mesa Arts Center's Nesbitt Elliott Playhouse, 1 E. Main St., Mesa. Performances run June 19-29, Thursday-Sunday (first weekend) and Friday-Sunday(second weekend). There will also be numerous school matinees during those two weeks.
For more information and to download an application, go to: