The Rose To Host Auditions On October 22nd
for its 2014 Production, “Jackie & Me”
The Rose Theater will host an audition for adult roles in its 2014 production, Jackie
and Me at 6 pm on Thursday, October 22. Adult actors of all types are welcome to audition
and must come to The Rose Theater, 2001 Farnam Street. Minority actors are needed for lead
roles in this production. Please come prepared with a monologue. Cold readings from the
script will also be used.
Actors must be available for weeknight/weekend rehearsals between February 4-21, and
weekday/weekend rehearsals and performances between February 22- March 16, 2014. This
is a paid position for adult actors. Minority actors are highly encouraged to audition. Auditions
by appointment only. Email for an appointment.
About Jackie and Me
Written by Steven Dietz, Jackie & Me tells the story of a boy who gets to travel back in time
and meet Jackie Robinson when the legendary baseball player was making his historic leap
into the major leagues.
Roles for:
JOEY STOSHACK - White male; A 10 year old baseball player. We will cast an adult
actor in this role: 21 - 35.
JACKIE ROBINSON - Black male; 25 - 40.
RACHEL ROBINSON and two or three other characters. - Black female; 25 - 40.
JOEY’S MOM and two or three other characters - White female; 30 - 45.
JOEY’S DAD and four or five other characters - White male; 30 - 45.
BRANCH RICKEY (The owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers) and three or four other characters
- White Male; 25 - 55.
LEO DUROCHER (Brooklyn Dodgers manager) and four or five other characters - White
male; 25 - 45.
BOBBY FULLER and three or four other characters - White male; 21 - 35
A note from John Hardy, Director:
This is a play about a human being who is given the chance to look inside the life of another
human being. The story regards the introduction of Jackie Robinson into major league baseball
as the first African-American ballplayer.
This is what we are looking for: Learners - people who want to learn. It is my belief that artists,
in the best sense of the word, are professional learners. Therefore, if you want to get the best
artists, get the best learners. I want great learners because I want people who are willing to go
beyond themselves; people who are willing to find a better artist within themselves; actors who
are willing to learn, and therefore, grow. We will be working on the acting constantly. We will be
challenging you, asking you to risk, grow, take a leap of faith into the unknown.
We are looking for hardworking learners who want to become great artists and create great
works of art. If that is your ambition, and you come to rehearsal ready to learn, you will become
a better artist than you ever thought possible. I guarantee that.
We want bold, nervy people who are willing to risk as much as possible in each and every
moment. We are not interested in “types.” Instead, we are interested in involved, engaged
acting from moment to moment. If these paragraphs describe your personal, artistic ambition,
please come and audition.
Appointment requests or questions regarding auditions may be directed to Jennifer Collins
Hard at