Christian Youth Theater - North Idaho is holding auditions for its spring production, Great American Tall Tales, March 22 from 4 pm - 7 pm at the CYT Campus, 2775 Howard St., Coeur d'Alene.
> When several young kids stumble into a dusty exhibit during a museum field trip, their adventure comes to life. Together they meet the beloved characters of American folklore like Annie Oaklee, Davy Crocket, Pecos Bill, Johnny Appleseed, Annie Christmas, John Henry and more. Through story, dance and song, they learn that history is alive and vibrant while discovering that sometimes fact and fiction work together to create unforgettable legends.
There are many parts for both boys and girls, kids of all ages,
and skill levels. No prior
experience is necessary but you must be registered for CYT-NI's
theater arts classes.
All kids between the ages of 6-18 can register and those students
between the ages of
8-18 may audition. Enrolled students will perform with their
classes on the tenth week
of the session in Showcase. You can register for classes at
auditions. For more details
about American Tall Tales, CYT-NI spring classes or CYT-North
Idaho, please visit
their website: or phone the CYT office at 765-8600.