Seeking musicians/vocalists ages 12-29 for talent search competition.
Register through upload 1-2 videos to, by August 20 (New Brunswick), September 15 (New York), September 22 (Oklahoma), or September 30 (Florida).
The 40 top rated entrants will perform live on the first day (varies according to city) after a day of mentoring and workshops with top industry professionals. The top 20 of those will perform again the next night for the judges, who will choose the winner.
The winner will receive: $1,000, publicity and promotions from various sponsors (see website), a professional video of their performances, and a guaranteed private audition for "America's Got Talent".
Competitions held in New York (Oct. 10-11), Florida (Nov. 7-8), Oklahoma(Oct. 17-18), and New Brunswick (Sept. 3-4). Register for the competition nearest you. America's Got Talent auditions only available in the US.
Follow @DreamNightTS on Twitter, or "like" Dream Night Talent Search on Facebook for more updates.