Casting "Bright Ideas," a dark comedy by Eric Coble. Five actors will portray 17+ characters. Synopsis: Loosely based on Shakespeare's "Macbeth," a mother and father struggle to enroll their three-year-old son Mac, in a highly-exclusive toddler prep school, resulting in madness and a murder most foul.
Rehearsals begin Sept. 14 (Mon.-Thurs. eves. with several Sat. daytimes) at Theater Southwest in Houston; runs Oct. 28-Nov. 19 (Fri. and Sat., with a Sun. matinee on Nov. 6) in Houston, TX.
This show has a cast of characters; 2m, 3f.
The principal roles are:
Joshua Bradley - father of Mac, 28-40
Genevra Bradley - mother of Mac 28-40
The ensemble roles should be in the 28-40 age range as well.
Auditions will consist of cold reads from the script.