NEW DATE ADDED: Friday, September 8th at 6pm
Directed by: Janie Downey Maxwell
Assistant Directed by: John Schrank
Choreography by: Victoria Perreault
Music Direction by: Evan Cuddy
Produced by: Giselle “Gigi” Paquette
Thanks so much for your interest in A Christmas Story, the Musical. This is a fun, high-energy show with lead roles for adults in a mix of ages, and for kids ages 8-12. There’s a new song about every seven pages which means leads and the ensemble will be very busy.
Doors open at 5:30 PM. We’ll audition you tonight in the order you sign in. We’ll hold group dance auditions first, followed by voice auditions. Please plan on sticking around until we wrap up. We hope to get you out of the theater by 8:30 at the latest. Auditions will be dance and voice only – no cold reading!
For the voice part of the audition, please prepare 32 bars of a musical theater piece you love to sing and that shows off your voice. Bring sheet music in your key, and please clearly mark the bars you plan to sing for our piano accompanist.
For the dance part of the audition, please wear comfortable shoes and clothes you can move in.
Rehearsals start on Sunday, 9/24 and wrap up on Wednesday, 11/29. We’ll be rehearsing Sunday-Thursday each week. Sunday times will vary. Mon-Thursday rehearsals will run from 7:00-9:00.
Thanksgiving week we’ll rehearse Sunday through Tuesday; there is no rehearsal Weds, 11/22 through Saturday, 11/25.
***Please look at your schedule before you audition to check for conflicts.***
Most roles will be on stage most rehearsal nights. You must not have more than four scheduled conflicts during the rehearsal process and must be available for all rehearsals two weeks prior to opening. Your attendance at most rehearsals assures we’ll be ready to present the best show possible.
Our show opens Thursday 11/30 for a limited audience. Then we’re on stage for three weekends: 12/1-3, 12/8-10, and 12/15-17. Friday and Saturday shows are at 7:30 with a 6:00 call. Sunday shows are at 2:30 with a 1:00 call.
***You must be available for all performances.***
For more info and character breakdown please visit our website:
Please don’t hesitate to contact director, Janie Downey Maxwell at, or 207-233-3339. We look forward to seeing you at auditions!