Terrace Plaza Playhouse, 99 E 4700 S, Ogden, will be holding auditions for their production of:
Audition: 18 April 2015
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (by appointment)
The seminal event in American history blazes to vivid life in this most unconventional of Broadway hits. 1776 puts a human face on the pages of history as we see the men behind the national icons: proud, frightened, uncertain, irritable, charming, often petty and ultimately noble figures determined to do the right thing for a fledgling nation. It's the summer of 1776, and the nation is ready to declare independence...if only our founding fathers can agree to do it! 1776 follows John Adams of Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, and Richard Henry Lee and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia as they attempt to convince the members of the second Continental Congress to vote for independence from the shackles of the British monarchy by signing the Declaration of Independence.
Please call
801-814-6219 (Leslie Richards – Director) for an appointment time. Prepare 16 bars of an upbeat Broadway-style song. Piano, CD player, and iPod dock, will be available. No acapella auditions. The roles of Adams, Franklin, Jefferson, Rutledge and Dickinson have been filled. This is an ensemble cast with many featured roles. There are 26 men and women roles available. There are no roles for those younger than 16. Headshots are not required, but are appreciated. Please be prepared with a detailed list of all conflicts during rehearsals and the run of the show.
1776 runs 12 June – 25 July, 2015 (no performances on July 4 or 24) Performances are every Friday, Saturday and Monday evenings. Rehearsals will begin will generally be held Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings – with added rehearsals two weeks prior to opening. For audition form and more information visit our website at
Director – Leslie Richards
ABIGAIL ADAMS - Female, 32 yrs old - Db4 - F5
COL. THOMAS McKEAN - Male, 42 yrs old - C3 - Eb4
COURIER - Male, 15-20 yrs old - C3 - Db4
MARTHA JEFFERSON - Female, 27 yrs old - Bb3 - D5
RICHARD HENRY LEE - Male, 45 yrs old - C3 - G4
ROBERT LIVINGSTON - Male, 30 yrs old - Bb2 - F4
ROGER SHERMAN - Male, 55 yrs old - C3 - Bb4
STEPHEN HOPKINS - Male, 70 yrs old - C3 - Eb4
And other ensemble roles