Following the withdrawal of one of the original shows for Pick of the Fringe, Poly-Zygotic have seized the opportunity to fill the 6pm slot and work with acclaimed Samoan Actor and Director Nathaniel Lees to fine tune their show.
Following a successful season at Bats during the NZ Fringe Festival, the chance to perform at Pick of the Fringe at Downstage was an unexpected opportunity for Poly-Zygotic collaborator Asalemo Tofete. “We see this as a great chance for our work to live again, and of course we weren't going to say no!” Pick of the Fringe is not just a chance for Poly-Zygotic to be seen by a wider audience, it has also presented the opportunity for the cast and crew to work with acclaimed Samoan Actor and Director Nathaniel Lees (Sione’s Wedding) to fine tune and refine the show. Said Asalemo: “We're looking forward to developing this piece. Nathaniel Lees is familiar with the world our play comes from and his experience will be invaluable in helping us adapt it onto a bigger stage”Videos