Chris Parker (Funny Girls, Jono and Ben), Hayley Sproull (Miss Fletcher Sings the Blues, Jekyll & Hyde) and Leon Wadham (Go Girls) join forces for an explosive exploration of the modern condition at BATS Theatre from the June 28th - July 2nd.
Combining sketch, theatre, party and nightmare, MILKY BITS is a wild ride through a catalogue of excruciatingly human experiences. Prepare to face unwelcome handshakes, hideous retail jobs, regrettable intercourse, mottephobia, two-day sleep binges, ominous beach metaphors, guided meditation and the Scientology Celebrity Centre as the characters try to make it in this doggy-dog world. MILKY BITS turns everyday anxieties into an unpredictable pageant of millennial terror.
With shows like Outsiders' Guide (Best Newcomer Chapman Tripps 2013), Tighty Whiteys, Miss Fletcher Sings the Blues (Best Newcomer NZ International Comedy Festival 2012), No More Dancing in The Good Room (Best Newcomer NZ International Comedy Festival 2015), and You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman, The Bakery's curiosity centers on social and cultural relationship, using song, dance, sketch and madness to investigate the things we dare not speak of. The Bakery is a New Zealand based theatre company focused on creating sharp, physical, relevant comedy that pushes the boundary between fun and frantic.
MILKY BITS plays at the Basement Theatre from June 14th - 18th and at BATS Theatre from June 28th - July 2nd. Tickets are available at