will present the North Jersey New Found Theatre Festival. This festival will be presenting original works of writers in February 2009.
They are seeking original scripts (plays and musicals) from writers in the Tri-State area. The festival will commence on weekends in February at several different Bloomfield Arts locations in Bloomfield, NJ: Broad Street Playhouse, Broadway Performing Arts School, the Multi-Media Arts Center, New Jersey School of Dramatic Arts, Oakeside Cultural Center, and the Westminster Arts Center.Those submissions chosen for the festival will be presented in readings and workshop performances that are open to the public. Each performance will end in a talk-back with the creative team in the hope that the writers will use it as a learning tool as they continue working on their craft. The "Best of Show" chosen by the committee of the entire festival will be given the opportunity to produce a one night only full production of their piece at one of the venues.Videos