This production runs through August 21st
A lonely Old Woman revisits her life as she removes objects from a box. Each one is tied to a significant memory and experience. Amoke tells her story as a puppet, using masks, and oldies but goodies from her past.
Mentor Directors: Gustavo & Julie Boada
Performers: Amoke Kubat, Keegan Xavi
Sound Design: Sayge Carroll, Rebekah Crisanta de Ybarra
This production is part of the Puppet Lab Festival. This production was written by Amoke as she did a one woman performance telling various pastimes using puppets that represented different phases and moments in her life. It was a beautiful story telling and it all tied together throughout to the end.
The set and lighting was very minimal, the set included mostly a chair and a few props, with Keegan (another performer) and the puppets. The lighting was dark with most of the focus on Amoke. It was effective with the storytelling that included some comedic but mostly emotional moments.
This production also included music with Alicia Thao a local musician. Thao's music explores her Hmong-American identity, incorporating Hmong inspired sounds which transition to other genres that Thao currently experiments and identifies with: indie, folk, soul, and r&b.
This production was creative and I liked the use of the beautiful puppetry and would recommend this production.
For more tickets and show information, click the ticket link button below.
Photos by Bruce Silcox.