Directed by Brad Rondeau, this tale begins with three stories, two of them well-known fairy tales, and one not quite as recognized, all involving wishes. Dirty and hard-worked Cinderella wishes to go to the festival, Jack (from the beanstalk story) wishes his cow would give milk, and the baker and his wife wish their futile attempts at starting a family would finally result in a pregnancy. Though many characters’ stories come and go in the first act, they all revolve around the baker and his wife trying to reverse a curse set on them by an ugly witch, who sends them on a wild goose chase to find three coveted items that will bring her what she’s been longing for: youth. Join these and other characters like, Rapunzel, The Wolf, Red Riding Hood, Prince Charming, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and the Three Little Pigs, on a grown-up journey through times greatest fairy tale. Memorable songs from the show include: Children Will Listen, Agony, Your Fault and Giants in the Sky. This show is being Assistant Directed by Stephanie Heslip and Heidi Miles, Produced by Laura Clark, Ann Langford, Lisa Stahl and Lynn Wilde and Music Direction by Jill Quagliata.