Steve Solomon will bring his new hit show, Cannoli, Latkes & Guilt...The Therapy Continues... to The Delray Beach Center for the Arts' Crest Theatre on January 3rd and 4th, 2015. Cannoli... is a perfect showcase for Solomon's impressive comedic talent, his inimitable story-telling ability, and his funny and clever facility with words, accents, and sounds. The show is full of new stories - those familiar with Solomon's earlier productions know his family consistently provides him with a goldmine of humor and humorous situations - as well as a compilation of some of the best of his earlier work. His previous award-winning shows include My Mother's Italian, My Father's Jewish & I'm in Therapy, My Mother's Italian, My Father's Jewish & I'm STILL in Therapy, and Steve's Holiday Show (and his personal favorite) My Mother's Italian, My Father's Jewish .... & I'm Home For the Holidays.
And as Solomon will tell you himself - he's politically incorrect:
"Of course I am! My entire family is politically incorrect; and that's what helps make the shows so funny. The very fact that we can go out to the theatre and spend an evening laughing at ourselves-and the antics of others - without fear of repercussion helps make this the great country it is!"
He will also tell you his shows are full of stereotypes:
"Yep," he says, in answer to his 'politically correct' critics "That was my life; stereotypical Italian and Jewish aunts who spent the entire day in house dresses stirring sauces and soup. Maybe they were stereotypes, but they were - they are - my family, and I'm only describing what I know... and love!
Steve Solomon epitomizes the word 'multifaceted'. He is an accomplished pianist, composer, and lyricist; a member of MENSA, a painter and cartoonist (all his show logos are his own creations); a teacher - he has two Master's degrees and an SDA and ABD degree in education and taught physics in Long Island, New York (where he eventually became Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools); and according to his wife he can fix anything except, according to Solomon, the way certain seniors drive in South Florida!
Tickets for Cannoli, Latkes & Guilt! The Therapy Continues... are on sale now, and can be purchased by calling the Delray Beach Center for the Arts' Crest Theatre at 561-243-7922 or on line at