Golden Apple Dinner Theatre recently announced its upcoming fall season. The season includes: Run For Your Wife, Caught in the Net, Sister's Christmas Catechism: the Mystery of the Magi's Gold, and The Musical Magic of Bill Hayes and Dick Hyman.
The first two titles are hilarious farces by Britain’s Ray Cooney –which we will present in rotating repertory! Run For Your Wife – one man, two wives – don’t let them meet – hilarious. Caught in the Net – same man, same two wives, with a child with each, don’t let them meet – doubly hilarious.What is rotating repertory? They schedule both plays on various dates from October 6th through November 29th. See Run For Your Wife first then plan to see Caught in the Net later. You choose the dates! Click here for the repertory calendar that will show what is playing when. Sister's Christmas Catechism: The Mystery of the Magi's Gold – If you liked Late Nite Catechism, like our summer patrons did, then you will love Sister's Christmas Catechism. Laughs, carols, mangers and intrigue make this an event you won’t want to miss. Sister says plan your holiday party now.All four shows qualify for their season discount.
In case you’re wondering, we are producing straight plays this fall to help us weather the economic malaise. Where are the musicals? Don’t worry, they are on the way. We are working on three exciting musicals to take us through a wonderful winter season…
Call the Box Office 941-366-5454 and make your reservations now.Videos