Career Transition For Dancers is presenting its National Outreach Project in Orlando, FL September 13 & 14, 2009. The free workshops are for pre-professionals, students, current and former professional dancers, college students, teachers and choreographers. Career Transition For Dancers' mission is to enable dancers to define their career possibilities and develop the
skills necessary to excel in a variety of disciplines. Sunday, September 13 at The Center for Contemporary Dance 3580 Aloma Avenue # 7 Winter Park, FL 32792 will be the Community Workshop from 10am-1pm.
One-on-one career counseling appointments will be from 1:30-6:30pm; available on a first come-first served basis. On Monday, September 14 at the Orlando Equity Office 10319 Orangewood Blvd Orlando, FL 32821 will be the Workshop tailored for Disneyworld and Universal Studios dancers, however; all other dancers are welcome if they cannot attend the previous workshop. It will be from 6:30-9:00pm. For both days refreshments will be served. For information and reservations please contact Kaylen Ratto, Client Outreach Coordinator, at 212 764-0172 x322 or email:
The workshops examine the key components of the career change process.
The sessions provide basic tools for making a successful transition, including understanding the emotional side of career change; defining interests, skills, and values; identifying transferable skills; as well as researching new career options; and connecting with resources for career exploration,
which can include educational scholarships and grants. Also presented are the emotional and practical aspects of career development while you are still dancing and in preparation for your life after dance. Individual career counseling sessions discuss dealing with change and staying motivated in the transition process. The workshops are facilitated by Suzie Jary, MSW, LCSW,
CP; and Paulette Fried, MSW, NCCC - Career Counselors. The upcoming programs are in Phoenix, AZ October 4 & 5 and Denver, CO November 13 & 14, 2009.
CTFD extends it sincere thanks for the facilities courtesy of the respective dance companies; and in particular to the funding from generous grants by the Bossak-Heilbron Charitable Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. Sponsored by Dance Magazine and Pointe.
Career Transition For Dancers with offices in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago has helped over 4,100 professional dancers identify their unique talents in preparation for establishing new careers when dance is no longer an option. Since its founding in 1985, the organization has provided more
than 41,000 hours (equivalent to over $4 million) of one-on-one career counseling and program services - at no cost - and has awarded millions of dollars in scholarships for education and entrepreneurial grants. CTFD also provides dancers with specialized services that include transition
seminars and workshops, peer support groups, resource centers, a toll-free national career counseling hotline, a website, and a National Career Network. The Caroline & Theodore Newhouse Center for Dancers is located in expanded offices at 165 West 46th Street Suite 701 (at Broadway - the Actors' Equity Building) NYC 10036. CTFD's phone number is 212 764-0172 and the fax is 212
764-0343. In Los Angeles: 5757 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 455; LA, 90036, please call 323 549-6660 and fax 323 549-6810. In Chicago: at Hubbard Street Dance Center 1147 W Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL 60607; please call 312 666-0234 and fax 312 455-8240.