Titanic The Musical offers a poignant exploration of the final days aboard the ill-fated ship, intertwining the lives of immigrants and the privileged class amidst an unforgettable musical score. Created by Peter Stone and Maury Yeston, this Tony Award-winning production delves into real stories that bring the historical tragedy to life through lush melodies and powerful performances. The show runs from October 2 to November 2, 2025, at Ogunquit Playhouse.
Year | Category | |
1997 | Best Musical | Winner |
Come From Away (5/15/25-6/14/25)
Guys and Dolls (6/19/25-7/19/25)
High Society (7/24/25-8/23/25)
When Elvis Met the Beatles (8/28/25-9/27/25)
MY BEST FRIEND’S WEDDING (9/26/24-10/27/24)
Mission statement: Building upon a legacy of leadership in American theatre, Ogunquit Playhouse produces world-class performances, educates people of all ages, cultivates new works for the stage, and preserves an iconic and historic playhouse for future generations.
The Cottage
Waterville Opera House (1/31 - 2/9) | ||
Every Brilliant Thing
The Public Theatre (1/24 - 2/2) | ||
Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical
Waterville Opera House (4/25 - 5/4) | ||
Mother Russia
Penobscot Theatre Company (4/1 - 4/18) | ||
Count Arthur Strong Is Charles Dickens In ''a Christmas Carol''
Monmouth Savoy Theatre (12/4 - 12/4) | ||
Waterville Opera House (8/29 - 9/6) | ||
Insidious: The Further You Fear
Majestic Theatre San Antonio (3/20 - 3/20) | ||
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