Come From Away brings to life the true story of 7,000 travelers stranded in the small town of Gander, Newfoundland, during the events of September 11, 2001. This heartwarming musical, crafted by Irene Sankoff and David Hein, explores themes of community and compassion as local residents open their homes to the unexpected guests. Through its powerful score, the production captures the transformative power of human connection in times of crisis. Performances run from May 15 to June 14 at Ogunquit Playhouse.
Year | Category | |
2017 | Best Musical |
Guys and Dolls (6/19/25-7/19/25)
High Society (7/24/25-8/23/25)
When Elvis Met the Beatles (8/28/25-9/27/25)
Titanic (10/2/25-11/2/25)
MY BEST FRIEND’S WEDDING (9/26/24-10/27/24)
Mission statement: Building upon a legacy of leadership in American theatre, Ogunquit Playhouse produces world-class performances, educates people of all ages, cultivates new works for the stage, and preserves an iconic and historic playhouse for future generations.
The Cottage
Waterville Opera House (1/31 - 2/9) | ||
Every Brilliant Thing
The Public Theatre (1/24 - 2/2) | ||
Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical
Waterville Opera House (4/25 - 5/4) | ||
Mother Russia
Penobscot Theatre Company (4/1 - 4/18) | ||
Count Arthur Strong Is Charles Dickens In ''a Christmas Carol''
Monmouth Savoy Theatre (12/4 - 12/4) | ||
Waterville Opera House (8/29 - 9/6) | ||
Insidious: The Further You Fear
Majestic Theatre San Antonio (3/20 - 3/20) | ||
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