Benefit Staged presented a Radio Reading on Saturday Oct 25th at GMT Studios (5751 Buckingham Parkway, Culver City, CA ). Rewriting the male roles for a female in the 1950's radio mysterys Tippi Hedren ( Hitchcock's The Birds & Marnie) played the street wise detective and Channing Chase (AMC's Mad Men) played the notorious racketeer, while Kate Linder (The Young & The Restless) tackled the three suspect roles including the thief. Co-Hosts for the evening included GMT Studios CEO Alan Hauge and Vice President and General Manager Terry Moretti. Drawing the winners name from the guests with correct answers was Lorretta Swit (M.A.S.H.).
Festivities included: Terri Hardin, a professional sculptress, coming to carve a huge pumpkin - it's great to watch her - she turns it into a fabulous work of art. Her finished work depicted a Bengal Tiger on the side of an enormous pumpkin and was raffled off for the cause and an incredible swing band, The Jazz Ensemble, comprised of youth from age 14-17 coming to entertain for guests listening and dancing enjoyment.Shambala is maintained by the Roar Foundation, established in 1983 as a 501(C)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under the laws of the State of California. The Preserve is open to the public. Actress and conservationist, Tippi Hedren, serving as President of the Roar Foundation, guides the organization's efforts to increase the public's knowledge about wildlife in our world, and provides guidance and leadership in maintaining the beautiful Shambala Preserve for the wild beings for whom this haven was established.
Channing Chase, Tippi Hedren and Kate Linder
Channing Chase, Kate Linder, and Tippi Hedren
Chaninng Chase, Tippi Hedren and Kate Linder
Channing Chase, Kate Linder and Tippi Hedren
Kate Linder, Loretta Swit and Channing Chase
Alan Hague, Channing Chase, Tippi Hedren, Terry Moretti, Kate Linder and Gina Morretti
Alan Hague, Tippi Hedren, and Terry Moretti
Terri Hardin, Tippi Hedren and the Bengal Tiger pumpkin
Photos by Bill Dow