In this rarely produced comedy, the notorious, real-life cross-dresser Moll Frith, who dressed as a man rather than live the limited life of a woman.
A girl who swaggers and carouses, Moll is nonetheless the moral center of this rollicking play. She calls out rogues, fights duels, and helps love triumph over tyranny.
Don't miss your chance to see this vibrant portrayal of female "deviancy" besting male ineffectuality.
This staged reading features ISC favorites including Andrea Gwynnel Morgan and
Joseph Culliton, and is directed by
David Melville.
(Please note: the Summer Reading Series is not being held at Barnsdall Park.)
The Roaring Girl
Wednesday, August 5 at 7:30 p.m.
Studio Stage
520 N. Western Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tickets are free (donations gratefully received.).
Reserve your spot now by emailing ISC or calling (818) 710-6306.
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