Jekyll & Hyde The Musical explores the duality of human nature through the story of Dr. Henry Jekyll, whose scientific experiments unleash his sinister alter-ego, Mr. Edward Hyde. As Jekyll battles his inner demons, the production blends drama and music, featuring powerful numbers such as "This is the Moment" and "Someone Like You." This captivating musical is brought to life by a talented local cast and immersive staging at The Noel S. Ruiz Theatre, creating an unforgettable experience for audiences. The performances run from October 9 to October 19.
Jekyll and Hyde (10/5/24-10/19/24)
West Side Story (8/20/24-9/8/24)
Irving Brerlin's Holiday Inn the Musical (10/22/21-10/31/21)
Shrek The Musical (11/1/25-11/22/25)
Linda Eder
Patchogue Theatre (4/18 - 4/18) | ||
The Adventures of Peter Rabbit
Theatre Three (4/16 - 5/10) | ||
Hansel & Gretel
Theatre Three (1/24 - 2/8) | ||
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
John W. Engeman Theater (11/14 - 12/29) | ||
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical
CM Performing Arts Center (9/27 - 10/18) | ||
Irving Berlin's White Christmas
The Gateway (11/29 - 12/29)
| ||
The Joni Project: Celebrating the Music of Joni Mitchell featuring Katie Pearlman & her band - Court and Spark 50th Anniversary Tour
Tilles Center for the Performing Arts (3/20 - 3/20) | ||
Stony Brook Opera
Staller Center for the Arts (4/26 - 4/26) | ||
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