Holiday Inn, The New Irving Berlin Musical tells the story of Jim, who leaves the bright lights of show business behind to settle down on his farmhouse in Connecticut. He quickly discovers life isn’t the same without a bit of song and dance. Jim’s luck takes a spectacular turn when he meets Linda, a spirited schoolteacher with talent to spare. Together they turn the farmhouse into a fabulous inn with dazzling performances to celebrate each holiday, from Thanksgiving to the Fourth of July. But when Jim’s best friend Ted tries to lure Linda away to be his new dance partner in Hollywood, will Jim be able to salvage his latest chance at love?
Friday, October 22 8PM
Saturday, October 23 8PM
Sunday, October 24 2PM
Wednesday, October 27 2PM
Wednesday, October 27 7:30PM
Friday, October 29 8PM
Saturday, October 30 8PM
Sunday, October 31 2PM
Fri & Sat Evening, Wed Matinee Performances: Regular - $29, Seniors - $27, Students - $22,
Children 12& Under - $18, VIP - $42 (VIP Includes choice of beverage and some light snacks)
Sun Matinee Performances: Regular - $29, Seniors - $27, Students - $22,
Children 12& Under - $18, VIP - $37 (VIP Includes access to a Coffee/Tea and Snack Station)
Wed 7:30pm Performance: Regular - $26, Seniors - $24, Students - $20, Children 12 & Under - $16
Ticket Processing Fees = $5 per Ticket
Group Rates Available
For more information or to order tickets please contact the Box Office at (631) 218-2810 or visit our website at
Linda Eder
Patchogue Theatre (4/18 - 4/18) | ||
Back to the Garden 1969 - The Woodstock Experience
Patchogue Theatre (3/1 - 3/1) | ||
The Addams Family, the Musical
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Tilles Center for the Performing Arts [Concert Hall] (2/4 - 2/4) | ||
Stony Brook Symphony Orchestra
Staller Center for the Arts (3/29 - 3/29) | ||
Hansel & Gretel
Theatre Three (1/24 - 2/8) | ||
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