This semester, I have the opportunity to study abroad in Paris! It has only been a week and I feel I have already learned and done so many things!
Most people I have met have urged me to study abroad. I always thought it was a good idea, but to actually be here and experiencing it is an incredibly surreal experience. I arrived in Paris on January 14 and have been running around since!
The first thing I have learned about myself is that I have a few non-negotiables. The first is that I know I have so much that I want to do or see and I want to maximize all of my time! Yet, this means I have become comfortable with doing solo traveling. This is not all of the time of course, but everyone has different objectives and things scheduled. Solo traveling is also not for everyone. It depends on how good you are with directions and how comfortable you are with being alone. It is totally respectable not to enjoy being alone! I just find that I do (not prefer, just enjoy). The second non-negotiable is that I would prefer to get up early and take advantage of the day instead of staying out late the night before. These are just two things I have found about myself (and not something everyone needs to relate to!) but my point is that you quickly learn important things about yourself when you are put in another country.
Within a week, I averaged about 8 times as many steps per day that I did back home (which taught me about lifestyle). This means we (my program) were moving all over and I absolutely loved it! My favorite place by far has been the PalaisGarnier which is informally called the Paris Opera house. What makes it special for me (and all theatre kids) is that it is where Phantom of the Opera takes place! It totally feels like you are stepping into the movie or musical. It is covered in beautiful carvings and decor and I discovered there is actually a lake below which was used to keep the opera house from burning! We did not get to see the actual theatre, however we are going to an opera there in March so that will be very exciting!
I have not even started classes yet and already I am in love with my experience abroad. Of course, it has come with ups and downs and moments of homesickness. Yet, I try to distract myself with valuable experiences that it all tends to subside quickly!