Casting "Visions of Eternity" for New York Theater Fall/Winter Festival. Synopsis: Matias spends his life in a web of unknowns. In two worlds that consistently collide. When faced with a lost love, how will he react? How will he move on? How will the world interact with him? This play, set against the backdrop of the demons in his mind, delves into the trials of mental illness and how we as people deal with loss.
Role Descriptions -
Lucia, to play 28-35: Hispanic, Mixed Ethnicity woman. Matias's mom. Enduring. Longing. Iron-will. Needs to speak fluent Spanish.
Salvador/ Naval Voice, 25 to 35 years old to play 28-40. Hispanic, Mixed Ethnicity man. Matias' father. A pastor. Pensive and says a lot with a little. Also doubles as Naval Voice, naval chakra. Rage that burns. Needs to speak fluent Spanish.
Content warning for depression, schizophrenia, suicide, self-harm, violence, and there will be intimacy work involved in the show.
Audition instructions -
For consideration, submit a Headshot/Resume and a performance reel or a 1-2 minute monologue. This play is about mental illness and loss: pick a piece that you feel represents these themes. Looking for vulnerability and honesty. Actors of all experience levels are welcome.
Submit to -
Rehearsals - Nov 16-21, 25-27
Shows - Nov 30, Dec 1, Dec 2
Salary: No pay - possible pay depending on fundraising
COMPANY: | Visions of Eternity | |
DATE POSTED: | 9/15/2023 | |
PHONE: | 3366818355 | |
E-MAIL: | | |
ADDRESS: | 520 W 43rd St, APT 4G New York , NY 10036 |
Scratch Theater Company
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