Discover tools, tricks, and routines for preserving your well-being!
The importance of organization can never be understated.
The post-Spring Break course load and calendar are hitting me hard right now. I’m taking 15 credits this semester, all of which are reading and writing intensive. I also work, participate in three extracurriculars, go to the gym, and maintain a social life, so each week brings new tasks to juggle.
As pressure loads and deadlines become stricter, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and lose control of your activities. However, my commitments have forced me to find methods that regulate my responsibilities and preserve my well-being.
If you’re seeking ways to manage your duties, look no further. Here are ways I find balance in my hectic environment.
Nothing keeps me more organized than my planner. Whether digital or on paper, planners allow for deadlines and chores to be easily tracked. I personally prefer a paper planner since I can physically cross out my tasks and feel the mental satisfaction from such. I carry mine everywhere, which allows me to update it as my day continues. For digital options, I recommend Notion, due to its customizability and accessibility.
With the go-go-go nature of my schedule, finding times throughout the day to sit with myself allows me to process everything undisturbed. Silence often recharges my attention span and dedication to tasks, which helps produce quality work. I especially love finding silence outside, since I can ground myself with nature and reconnect with a world outside of technology.
If you look at my Spotify profile, you will find at least 50 playlists I’ve made for niche activities or situations. I base much of my identity on music, especially my emotions. If I need motivation to get work done, I play upbeat club music as encouragement. If I need to unwind or study, I play smooth jazz music. Whatever emotion I need to channel, there’s a playlist for it. Knowing myself and how music influences my productivity allows me to embrace both my creative and academic brain, which ultimately inspires me to do work.
You can’t complete your to-do list if you disregard your well-being! By eating foods that strengthen my body and finding ways to move each day, I feel energized to pursue responsibilities. I also make sure to prioritize mental health through activities like journaling, listening to podcasts, and deep breathing exercises. During times of high stress and academic rigor, I keep myself accountable with these practices by asking my friends to check in on me. This way, I can’t excuse not putting myself first. You know yourself best, so doing what incentivizes personal benefit provides a launching point for quality work and effort.
In our world of constant messaging and accessibility to information, it’s easy to find dopamine rushes to cope with intense course loads. However, I often get overwhelmed by the amount of notifications I receive, since there’s so much to look at or explore. To pursue my academic and professional tasks, I often mute my phone to drown out its mental noise. News and texts can wait when considering the importance of my education and contributions to my field.
This time of year, these tricks save me from procrastination and burnout. If you use these tactics or other ones, feel free to comment below! Let’s collaborate on ways to preserve ourselves.