GivingTuesday is a global movement of generosity and charitable giving. Like all non-profits, we depend on generous donations to enact our mission: to create new theater as a community, taking risks and facing creative challenges together to reveal our shared humanity. For all productions, we use a ticket pricing model called “Pay What You Will,” which allows any person to pay any price they choose for a ticket. It creates radical access to the arts by eliminating economic barriers to see live performance. We also offer free events and arts programming to the community through our local TV/YouTube show, Reading Reading, and our outdoor summer performance, In Nature’s Studio. This free programming allows anyone and everyone to not only see theater and performance, but experience new theater about and by artists from our area. We are also committed to ADA accessible and LGBTQ+ welcoming buildings.
The Reading Theater Project is a locally focused theater company, based in Reading/Berks County, PA. We value collaboration and creative challenges and believe theater is an inclusive experience that can reveal our shared human condition. For more information, visit or call 484-706-9719.