Browse our database of nonprofit theaters across the United States, where you can make meaningful donations for Giving Tuesday and beyond. From renowned professional theaters to cherished community playhouses, each organization on our list is dedicated to enriching local culture, fostering creativity, and supporting the arts in their communities. Your contributions help sustain these vital cultural institutions, allowing them to continue their mission of engaging audiences, nurturing talent, and enhancing the social fabric of neighborhoods nationwide. Explore our comprehensive directory to find theaters where your donation can make an impact - whether this Giving Tuesday or any time of the year.
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Francis Wilson Playhouse For nearly 100 years, Francis Wilson Playhouse has been a local venue for amazing Broadway-style productions, featuring some of the best talent in the Tampa Bay Area. All of our actors, technicians and backstage crew members are volunteers!... |
Powerstories Theatre Powerstories is a nonprofit professional theatre whose mission is to stage true stories to open minds and hearts and inspire action worldwide. |
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