The Belle Theatre Education Team proudly presents...Jungle Book KIDS.
Banished by the ferocious tiger, Shere Khan, a human boy named Mowgli and his panther friend, Bagheera, are on the run in the deepest parts of the jungle. On their journey, the two meet a sinister snake named Kaa, a herd of elephants and a giant bear named Baloo, who teaches them the swingin' musical rhythms of the jungle.
Onstage: May 10th - 12th, Matinees @ 2pm & Evenings @ 7pm
Jungle Book KIDS will be performed by students ages 5-10 as part of our Spring 2024 Education season at The Belle.
Tickets: $20 Adults / $10 Students
Purchase tickets online: or by calling 239-323-5533.
If you have questions or would like more information, shoot us a message, or give us a shout, 239-323-5533.
Elvis: ‘68 Comeback Special (12/15/24-12/15/24)
A Charlie Brown Christmas (12/18/24-12/22/24)
The Belle Theatre is at 2708 Santa Barbara Blvd Suite 135, Cape Coral, FL.
Disney's Beauty and the Beast (10/25/24-11/10/24)
Neil Simon's Last of the Red Hot Lovers (9/20/24-9/29/24)
Encore! A Broadway Revue (9/6/24-9/15/24)
RENT (8/2/24-8/11/24)
ELF, JR. (7/19/24-7/20/24)
Falsettos (6/7/24-6/16/24)
Back to the 90's Concert (5/31/24-6/1/24)
Grounded (3/29/24-4/7/24)
Matt Stone as Elvis: In Person (3/1/24-3/3/24)
The Wizard of Oz (2/2/24-2/18/24)
A Christmas Story (The Musical)
The Naples Players (11/20 - 12/22)
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A Toast to Opera: The Magic Flute
Wang Opera Center (1/29 - 1/29) | ||
Another Night Before Christmas
Broadway Palm (11/28 - 12/25) | ||
Luciano Pavarotti Foundation Opera Naples Academy: Don Pasquale
Wang Opera Center (1/17 - 1/19) | ||
Come From Away (Non-Equity)
Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Center (2/25 - 3/2) | ||
Last of the Red Hot Lovers
Arts Center Theatre (1/8 - 1/26) | ||
Southern Gothic Novel - a solo comedy
Norris Center Auditorium-Cambier Park (1/21 - 2/18)
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