A Doll's House, Part 2, produced by Helsingin Kaupungin Teatteri, is set to open next month! Opening November 15, 2018, the play will take over the company's Small Stage.
Who's that knocking on the door? Nora is back in this audacious Tony Award-nominated comedy. It's been 15 years since she slammed that same door on her marriage and children in the revolutionary final scene of Ibsen's signature play. Now a successful yet scandalous writer, she's being blackmailed by a judge and needs her former husband's help. But her family has a few grievances they need to air first.
Starring Elina Hietala, Santeri Kinnunen, Susanna Mikkonen, and Ursula Salo.
The play's final performance will be confirmed during its premiere week.
For more information and to purchase tickets check out: https://hkt.fi/esitykset/nukkekoti-osa-2/
Photo Credit: Helsingin Kaupungin Teatteri