Very strong ensemble dancers who sing and act well. All physical types and ethnicities welcome. Some ensemble members will cover principal roles.
see breakdown
Please be warmed up and ready to dance when the call begins. Bring character shoes. Some may be asked to stay and sing after all have danced. Please prepare 16 bars of music; singing from the show is fine.
Please bring a picture and resume, stapled together.
Other Dates
see breakdown for show dates.
EPA: 5/4, 10 to 6, at Nola Studios.
ECC/Dancers: 5/6, 10am male dancers, 2pm female dancers
ECC/Singers: 5/7, 9am male singers, 11am female singers
Director: Ed Flesch
· EPA Rules are in effect.
· A monitor will be provided.
Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.
Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.