Arena Stage | Washington, DC
Salary minimum updated.
Monday, January 13, 2025
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM (E)
BREAK: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Auditions will be run on a first-come first-served basis. Doors will be open at 9:00 AM to begin sign-ups.
LORT Non-Rep
$1197 weekly minimum (LORT B+)
Equity actors for roles in WE ARE GATHERED (see breakdown). All roles will be understudied.
Please prepare a contemporary monologue. Please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.
Arena Stage
1101 6th St SW
Washington, DC 20024
Please enter the building through the main doors on Sixth St.
Tarell Alvin McCraney - Playwright
Directed by Kent Gash
Raiyon Hunter - Casting Director
First Rehearsal: 4/15/25
First Preview: 5/16/25
Opens: 5/22/25
Closes: 6/15/25
An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.
Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.
Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA
SYNOPSIS: Wilson and Free met in a dark park searching for fun not expecting to find love, light, and each other. Now a milestone anniversary has got them wondering if they have met Mr. Right or a long one-night stand with a lovely Mr. Maybe? With a little support and a lot of confusion from family, friends, and a stranger in the dark, the question remains: will Free and Wilson find their way together or will they let fear, and a secret lead them asunder?
Actors should be comfortable with direct address/speaking to the audience while in character and sustaining extended passages of text. Most actors will portray more than one character and must be equally comfortable with bold and dynamic transformation in an instant while maintaining nuance and truth, quickly transforming physically and vocally from one character to another. While not a musical, but a play with some music and dance elements, many in the company and may sing and should have strong pitch and be able to hold contemporary harmonies. Actors within the LGBTQIA community welcomed and encouraged. As the play is having its first production, roles and doubling assignments are subject to change and evolve with the refinement of the text throughout the rehearsal process. Age appropriateness is less important than specific acting skills.
NOTE: Black actors, LGBTQIA actors, those with facility with heightened and vernacular Black American Language, and facility with contemporary black social dance styles are encouraged to audition.