THE BOYS IN THE BAND - Dallas, TX EPA Uptown Players | Dallas, TX
Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA
Saturday, March 23, 2024
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM (C)
To sign up for an audition appointment, go to Video submissions will not be accepted for this production.
$458 weekly minimum (LOA ref. LORT)
Equity actors for roles in THE BOYS IN THE BAND (see breakdown).
Local Actors Encouraged to Submit. Actors of all ethnicities, and gender identities encouraged to audition as our casting seeks to be as inclusive as possible. No roles will be understudied.
Auditions will consist of reading selections from the script using sides posted at the following link: Please bring a headshot and resume.
Uptown Players
1327 Motor Circle
Dallas, TX 75207
Free Parking in front of building. Enter up the stairs into the lobby.
Written by Mart Crowley
Directed by Dennis Canright
Producers - Jeff Rane, Craig Lynch Stage Managed by Ben Doan-Stevens
Rehearsals begin July 22 at the Uptown Players offices and will be evenings and weekends.
The production will take place at the Kalita Humphreys Theater, 3636 Turtle Creek Blvd, Dallas TX 75219 from August 16 through 25, with 4 performances per week.
The auditions, callbacks, and rehearsals will follow all COVID protocols.
An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination.
Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.
Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.
SYNOPSIS: The Boys in the Band is a powerful and thought-provoking exploration of friendship, identity, and the struggles faced by gay men in the late 1960s. Set in New York City, this iconic play written by Mart Crowley takes us into the apartment of Michael, a witty and sharp-tongued host who throws a birthday party for his friend Harold. As the evening unfolds, a group of diverse gay friends gathers, and the celebrations quickly become a rollercoaster of emotions, revealing hidden desires, unresolved conflicts, and the complexities of their individual journeys.
Michael – (Male presenting – 30), Gay, Designer, passably congenial but vicious when drunk.
Donald – (Male presenting – 28), Gay, Janitor, best friend to Michael, All American Boy next door type.
Emory – (Male presenting – 33), Gay, Antiquities Dealer, Hispanic, Campy and over the top.
Larry – (Male presenting – 29), Gay, Commercial Artist, handsome and confident, in a relationship with Hank.
Hank – (Male presenting – 32), Bi, Teacher, Athletic, newly out, in a relationship with Larry. Bernard – (Male presenting – 28), Gay, Librarian, Black, Best friend of Emory.
Cowboy – (Male presenting – 19 to 23), Gay, Hustler, Pretty and dumb.
Harold – (Male presenting – 32), Ex-skater/dancer, lean with a cutting wit and brutal honesty. Alan – (Male presenting – 30), Straight, Lawyer, Wasp, homophobic and possibly deep in the closet.