Call Type
Non-Required Principal
Monday, October 12, 2015
2:00PM-5:00PM - Afternoon Session
6:00PM-9:00PM - Evening Session
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
12:00PM-4:30PM - Afternoon Session
5:30PM-10:00PM - Evening Session
Guest Artist
Guest Artist Tier 2 Minimum $420/wk
San Diego Musical Theatre Rehearsal Space
4652 Mercury St
San Diego, CA 92111
See breakdown.
Other Dates
First Non-Union Rehearsal: Friday, January 8, 2016
First Equity Rehearsal: Friday, January 15, 2016
First Performance: Friday, February 5, 2016
Closing: Sunday, February 21, 2016
Callbacks October 14, 2015. Time TBD
Director/Choreographer: Paul David Bryant
Musical Director: Don LeMaster
· EPA Rules are in effect.
· A monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Email to schedule appt. Specify roles you are auditioning for and if Equity or non-union. Also specify afternoon or evening appt.
Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.
Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.
A Multi-Ethnic/Multi-Racial cast including all ages, about 30 adults/older teens,
and 3 featured children. 3-6 additional children may be cast for ensemble, ages
8-14. The entire ensemble sings. Generally minimal dance requirements,
although preferable for African-American Ensemble members to be dancers. We typically hire 2-4 Equity contracts per show and the rest of the roles will be
cast from non-union actors. We do have some housing for out of town actors.
Please note: No video or out of state submissions accepted at this time.
Singer Call – All Lead roles must be exceptional singers/technicians. The score
is demanding (no skirting around notes). Prepare a one minute song. You may
sing from the show or a song in the style of the show. Please bring sheet music
in your key. Accompanist provided. Please see Character Breakdown for each
role and bring two headshots/resumes with you.
Ages listed are based on history and/or author recommendations, and should not
be taken literally. All Lead roles must be exceptional singers/technicians. The
score is demanding (no skirting around notes).
Coalhouse Walker, Jr: (lead) African-American male. 25-35 (baritone with
strong top range; range: Ab to G, with a sustained high F#). Intense dance;
pianist; proud, confident, and stubborn.
Sarah: (lead) African-American female. Late teens-early 20's (lyric soprano;
range: low G# to high F# on staff)
Mother: (lead) Anglo-American female. 30+ (lyric soprano; range: low G to high
Eb on staff) gentle, compassionate, optimistic
Father: (lead) Anglo-American male. 40+ (baritone; range: B to E on staff)
cautious; resistant to change
Mother's Younger Brother: (supporting) Anglo-American male. 20-25+
(tenor/baritone with strong top range: B to high F#) passionate anarchist; intense
and high-strung
Young Boy: (supporting) Anglo-American male. 8-12 (juvenile voice; range: E to
Db on staff) precocious and curious
Tateh: (lead) Eastern European/Jewish Immigrant male. 30+, slight accent
(tenor; range: Db to high F#) intelligent, passionate, creative
Emma Goldman (cameo - historical): Eastern European/Jewish Immigrant
female/Anarchist. 40+, slight accent. (alto, range: low G# to Db on staff)
Harry Houdini (cameo - historical): Hungarian Immigrant male/Magician/bodybuilder.
30+ (tenor; range: mid. C to high G)
Evelyn Nesbit (cameo - historical): Anglo-American female. Vaudevillian
performer. 18-25 (belter/soprano, range: middle C to Db on staff) dancer
Young Girl (supporting) Tateh's daughter: Eastern European/Jewish Immigrant
female. 8-12 (juvenile voice; range: E to Db on the staff) quiet and shy.
Sarah's Friend: (supporting) African-American female. Late teens - 30. (Gospel
lyric-soprano or alto range: low G to stratosphere scat top note)
Grandfather (cameo) (Mother's father): Anglo-American male. 55+ (some speak
sung lyrics, baritone) gruff & outspoken.
Booker T. Washington (cameo - historical): African-American male,
distinguished. 45+ (some speak sung lyrics, baritone)
Henry Ford (cameo - historical): Anglo-American male. 30-45 (some speak
sung lyrics, baritone)
JP Morgan (cameo - historical): Anglo-American male; banking mogul. 45+
(some speak sung lyrics, baritone)
Little Coalhouse: (cameo) Walk-on at end of show. African-American male (will
consider females as well). Age 3-4 (no spoken lines or singing)
RAGTIME offers members of the three ensembles multiple opportunities to play
a number of smaller parts with lines and some solos. Supporting roles with final
casting decisions possibly made during rehearsals) include: Admiral Peary,
Stanford White, Harry K. Thaw, Willie Conklin, Judge, train conductor, people of
New Rochelle/Harlem/Union Square, Jewish immigrants, factory workers,
demonstrators, newsboys, reporters, bureaucrats, Coalhouse's Men, and
numerous other ensemble roles.
The RAGTIME Chorus must be one of the major stars of the show. The
chorus is extremely involved and active throughout the show. The three distinct
ensemble groups must each produce a full and balanced choral sound.