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Peterborough Players 2024 Season Equity Principal Actors - Peterborough Players Inc. Auditions

Posted March 14, 2024
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Peterborough Players 2024 Season - Peterborough Players Inc.

Peterborough Players 2024 Season - Peterborough, NH EPA Peterborough Players Inc. | Peterborough, NH

Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA


Thursday, March 28, 2024

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (E)


To schedule an appointment please fill out the following form: .



$746 weekly minimum (Tier zz)


Equity actors for roles in Peterborough Players' 2024 Season (See breakdown).

The Peterborough Players encourage actors of all ethnicities to audition for all productions. We intend to engage a diverse company for the 2024 Season.


Please prepare a short monologue and/or short selection from Musical Theatre Repertoire. No more than 4 minutes total. An accompanist will be provided. Also, please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.


Peterborough Players

55 Hadley Rd.

Peterborough, NH 03458-0118


Charles Morey, Interim Producing Artistic Director, Director: NOISES OFF, PRIDE & PREJUDICE, MAN OF LA MANCHA Gus Kaikkonen, Director BEN BUTLER Aliah Whitmore, Director DEATHTRAP Patti, D'Beck, Choreographer, MAN OF LA MANCHA

Tim Goss, Musical Director, MAN OF LA MANCHA

Expected to attend:

Charles Morey, Interim Producing Artistic Director, Director: NOISES OFF, PRIDE & PREJUDICE, MAN OF LA MANCHA Tim Goss, Musical Director, MAN OF LA MANCHA



1st Rehearsal: June 4th, 2024

Open: June 19th

Closes: June 30th


1st Rehearsal: June 20th, 2024

Open: July 3rd

Closes: July 14th


1st Rehearsal: July 4th, 2024

Open: July 17th

Closes: July 28th


1st Rehearsal: July 18th, 2024

Open: July 31st

Closes: August 11th


1st Rehearsal: August 1st, 2024

Open: August 14th

Close: August 25th


An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination.

Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.


Peterborough Players 2024 Season


AUTHOR: Michael Frayn

DIRECTOR: Charles Morey

NOTE: All roles in “Noises Off” require impeccable timing, strong physicality and stamina!


LLOYD DALLAS: 40s. The director. Smart, acid tongued. Somewhat imperious. A dangerous temper. A biting sense of humor. A womanizer.

DOTTIE OTLEY: CAST. (50s+) (Plays “Mrs. Clackett” in the play within a play “Nothing ON.”) Aging former TV personality. Pleasant and amenable at first despite being completely befuddled by the props in “Nothing On.” Increasingly fraught, angry and vengeful as the play progresses.

GARRY LE JEUNE: (Roger in the play within a play “Nothing On”) 30s. The young leading man of the company. An adept farceur. Somewhat inarticulate. Self-dramatizing. Must be physically adept as he takes a big fall down the stairs.

BROOKE ASHTON: (Vicki in the play within a play “Nothing On”) 20s-early 30s. Very sexy and none too bright. The stereotypical “bimbo”. The Actress cast will need great skill to play someone with no skill.

BELINDA BLAIR: (Flavia in the play within a play “Nothing On”) 30s-40s. Always helpful, always in everybody else’s business but the individual in the cast who is always trying to “save the day.”

SELSDON MOWBRAY: CAST. 60s-70s. Plays the “Burglar” in “Nothing On.” An actor with a failing memory and serious drinking problem.

FREDERICK FELLOWES: CAST. 40s-50s. Plays the charming and debonair, “Phillip” in “Nothing On.” In “real life” however, wildly insecure and possibly a little dim.

TIM: 20s. Works himself to the limit of exhaustion. Always helpful and completely taken advantage of.

POPPY: 20s-30s. The Stage Manager. Sweet, well intentioned, desperately trying to keep things together. And literally “taken advantage of” by Lloyd.


AUTHOR: Ira Levin



SIDNEY BRUHL: 50+. An “impressive and well-tended man” Very smart, witty, clever sharp tongued. Devious and extremely dangerous. Always thinks he’s the smartest one in the room.

CLIFFORD ANDERSON: 20s-30s. Attractive, boyish and handsome at the same time; physically fit; he is very clever; ALSO thinks he’s the smartest one in the room and can outmaneuver anyone. An outward appearance of innocence naïveté.

MYRA BRUHL: CAST. 40s-50s. Sophisticated, upper-class. Tends to be nervous and protective of her weak health. Supportive of Sydney but increasingly suspicious.

HELGA TEN DORP: 40s+. Eccentric, Dutch “celebrity psychic.” Maybe a charlatan? Maybe not.

PORTER MILGRIM: CAST. Seemingly very capable, reasonable and ethical. But when faced with temptation, becomes lethal.


AUTHOR: James Maxwell, adapted from Jane Austen

DIRECTOR: Charles Morey

NOTE: All actors must have command of strong British (“RP”) dialect.


MRS. BENNET: CAST. 50s. Overly talkative, flighty and distracted. Perhaps not as bright as her husband but has a maternal warmth and charm and is fiercely protective of her five daughters.

MR. BENNET: CAST. 50s-60’s. A bit gruff on the surface but very kindly with a sly sense of humor.

JANE BENNET: 20s. The eldest of the five Bennet daughters. Beautiful, but un-aware of her beauty. Somewhat quiet and un-demonstrative out of a natural reserve and sense of deference. Truly a kind and sweetheart.

ELIZABETH BENNET: CAST. 20s - early 30s. The second eldest of the daughters. Very smart with a sharp wit and a tongue to match. A keen intelligence and the kind of beauty that grows with acquaintance. A great heart and a mind to match.

LYDIA BENNET: Late teens - early 20s. The youngest of the daughters. Completely unlike her two eldest sisters. Flighty to the point of giddiness. Shallow. An over-abundance of enthusiasm. Perhaps not particularly bright. A profoundly silly young woman.

MR. DARCY: Late 20s - early 30s. Handsome. Described as tall. And dark. A seeming aloofness conceals his profound shyness. Very intelligent. A natural and unforced sense of honor and decency. An aristocrat by intelligence and behavior as well as by birth.

MR. BINGLEY: 20s - early 30s. Attractive and agreeable. An open heart and a generous soul.

MR. WICKHAM: 20s, early 30s. Handsome, charming, charismatic; all qualities which serve to conceal a character seriously lacking in both honor and honesty. A cad.

SIR WILLIAM LUCAS: CAST. Garrulous and affable local Squire.

LADY CATHERINE DE BOURGH: CAST. 50s -60s. Imperious and demanding.

MR. COLLINS: CAST. 30s-40s. Unctuous and unpleasant. A sycophant and a snob. CHARLOTTE LUCAS: CAST. 30s. Practical and down to earth. A good friend.

CAROLINE BINGLEY: CAST. 20s - early 30s. Arrogant and snobbish.

MARY BENNET: Teens - 20s. Bookish and smart.

KITTY: Teens – 20s. Smart and vivacious.

ANNE DE BOURGH: Teens - 20s. Shy and withdrawn. Sickly.

DENNY: 20s-30s Young Army Officers.

FITZWILLIAM: 20s-30s Young Army Officers.


AUTHOR: Richard Strand

DIRECTOR: Gus Kaikkonen

NOTE: As BEN BUTLER is historically specific and race is germane to the story. Casting will be in accordance with the expected ethnicities of its Civil War era setting.


BEN BUTLER: CAST. 40s-50s. Historical figure: Major General Benjamin Butler of the Union Army in the early days of the Civil War. Smart, sharp tongued, witty even and more than a bit arrogant. A lawyer in peace time now appointed a Major general not because of his military background but because of his political connections.

LIEUTENANT KELLY: 20s-30s. West Point graduate. All military. Very much, “spit and polish.” Butler’s Adjutant. Always deferential but clearly does not like, nor think much of Butler.

SHEPARD MALLORY: CAST. (African-American) 30s-40s. Escaped slave. He is clearly the smartest person in any room he may inhabit and more than a match for Butler. Convinces Butler to “confiscate” him as “war contraband” thus setting in motion one of the first steps towards the Emancipation proclamation.

MAJOR CARY: CAST. 40s+. Confederate Officer, dedicated to his “cause” and all that implies. No match for Butler.



AUTHOR(S) Dale Wasserman, Joe Darien, Mitch Leigh

DIRECTOR: Charles Morey



NOTE: All ethnicities, including Hispanic and/or African-American actor/singers are encouraged to audition for all roles in “Man of La Mancha.” Actors with strong backgrounds in the classics (Shakespeare) as well as musical theatre might be particularly appropriate for this piece.


CERVANTES / QUIXOTE: 40s+. Baritone. Poet/playwright/man of the theatre who creates the play with his fellow prisoners. A singer of great skill and charisma, honesty and real heart.

ALDONZA: late 20s-30s. Both a lyric voice and a strong belt. Earthy, coarse and sensual, broken by life but ultimately restored by the power of art and idealism.

GOVERNOR/INNKEEPER: CAST. 40s. Baritone. Forceful and authoritative but with a great sense of humor and a good heart.

THE DUKE/ DR. CARRASCO: CAST. 30s+. Baritone. (Not a major singing role) Arrogant, aloof and cold. Smart, cunning and cruel.

PADRE: 40s+. High lyric tenor. Warm hearted and empathetic. Genuinely a man of spirit. May be doubled with: THE BARBER: A comic innocent.

PEDRO: Head Muleteer. Strong tough. A rough man, adept with a bull-whip. Strong willed and arrogant.

MARIA: 40s. Innkeepers wife. Strong. A bit of a shrew.

THE BARBER: Comically timorous. A bit of an innocent.

THE HOUSEKKEPER: CAST. 40s+. Soprano. Prim and proper.

CAPTAIN OF THE INQUISITION: CAST. 30s+. Strong, authoritative and intimidating presence. Non singing role.

SANCHO: CAST. 40s+. Loyal friend and squire to Don Quixote. Baritone/tenor.

ANTONIA/FERMINA: 20s+. Antonia: Prim and proper niece to Quixote. Fermina: servant in the Inn. Soprano.

MOORISH DANCER: 20s. Gypsy dancer.

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