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Pasadena Playhouse 2024-25 Season Equity Principal Actors - Pasadena Playhouse Auditions

Posted May 20, 2024
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Pasadena Playhouse 2024-25 Season - Pasadena Playhouse

Pasadena Playhouse 2024-25 Season - LA EPA Pasadena Playhouse | Pasadena, CA

Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (P)

Lunch 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


LORT Non-Rep

$1100 weekly minimum (LORT B)


Equity actors for roles in Pasadena Playhouse's 2024-25 Season (See breakdown).

Local Los Angeles area actors are encouraged to audition.

Pasadena Playhouse is committed to inclusive and representative casting that reflects the diversity of our community, both on a local and national scale. Unless otherwise specified in breakdowns, we encourage actors of any race, ethnicity, age, national origin, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, with physical or mental disabilities, and body size to audition.

Some roles may be understudied.


For Plays: Please prepare a 1-minute dramatic monologue. Preferably something that showcases your use of language. For Musicals: Please prepare a short song that showcases your range. Also, please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.

If you are unable to attend in person and would like to submit an audition video, please fill out the form: .


Pasadena Playhouse

39 S El Molino Ave

Pasadena, CA 91101-5220

Carrie Hamilton Theater, 2nd Floor.


Expected to attend;

Producing Artistic Director: Danny Feldman Associate Producer: Jenny Slattery Casting Director: Ryan Bernad Tymensky Company Manager: Bonnie McHeffey

All Directors and Choreographers are TBD for the season.

See breakdown for production specific personnel.


See breakdown for production specific dates.


If there are any potential accessibility barriers preventing you from auditioning or if you require an ADA accessible route to the audition room, please reach out to EPA Procedures are in effect for this audition. An Equity Monitor will be provided.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination.

Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.


Pasadena Playhouse 2024-25 Season


By Edmond Rostand

Freely Adapted by Martin Crimp

First Rehearsal: August 6, 2024

Opening: September 8, 2024

Closing: September 29, 2024



[ROXANE] female, 20s-30s, any ethnicity. University grad student of poetry, self-possessed, a romantic and wickedly smart. Loves poetry and books, huge heart. Captivating and beautiful. Direct, unapologetic, sexually frank. Impatient, bored with love, wants to be bowled over.

[CHRISTIAN] male, 20s, any ethnicity. Good-looking, fit, alpha-male / ultra-military soldier – but cool and friendly. Hails from a small town and not very worldly/exposed but wants to learn new things. Intimidated by intellectuals and embarrassed about his lack of schooling.

[MADAME RAGUENEAU] female, late 40s-60s, any ethnicity. No bullshit but secretly nurturing. A natural mentor, leader, teacher – but bold, hip and fun. Builds community around her. Inspires a love of spoken word, theatre, literature, baking, in everyone she meets. Innate status, wisdom, experience, warmth and charm.

[DE GUICHE] male, 40s-50s, any ethnicity. Fancies himself a Machiavellian master-manipulator. Slimy, smarmy, and powerful. Deliciously villainous. You love to hate him, but he is also dangerous. Privileged, with strong familial ties to those in power.

[LE BRET] male, 30s, any ethnicity. Cyrano’s ‘closest colleague’, ie Cyrano’s bestie (as much as anyone can be besties with Cyrano). A grounded voice of reason. A good guy. A soldier.

[LIGNIERE/As Cast] male, 20s-40s, any ethnicity. Like the MC for our evening, sets the tone and introduces us to the language. Wicked and raunchy sense of humor, loves taking the piss out of people -- but warm, playful; inviting for the audience. Lovable and cheeky. Has excellent spoken word/rap skills.

[VALVERT/As Cast] male, 20s-30s, any ethnicity. Humorless, privileged lacky of the ruling class. Not an artistic or creative bone in his body, comically blunt with the verse. Recklessly impulsive when insulted, and while not necessarily physically imposing, a skilled enough swordsman to hold his own with Cyrano. When they duel, it should feel dangerous, unhinged and edge-of-our-seats exciting. Sword/Combat Skills/Training.

[Various Ensemble Members] to double. Tracks still being determined.


Book by Harvey Fierstein

Music and Lyrics by Jerry Herman

Based off the Play by Jean Pioret

First Rehearsal: October 15, 2024

Opening: November 17, 2024

Closing: December 15, 2024


ALBIN: Male. A performer of star quality; mature; great powerhouse of a Broadway voice; fine comic GEORGES: Male. A star; mature, good singer; energetic, loving and caring; moves well

JEAN-MICHEL: Male. Well-mannered, educated; desperately in love with his fiancée, Anne; sings and moves well

JACOB: Male. butler; brilliant comedian who sings and moves well

ANNE: Female. Jean-Michel's fiancée; spunky; a superb dancer

EDOUARD DINDON: Male. Anne's father; right-wing radical politician; pompous; quirky; must sing, move well, and be a fine comedian

MARIE DINDON: Female. Anne's mother; 48-52, shy, retiring, sexually repressed and sex-starved; good singer and moves well

JACQUELINE: Female. Mature, female friend of Georges and Albin; owns a chic restaurant; attractive, charming; very theatrical; not necessarily a singer

RENAUD: Male. Mature, male friend of Georges and Albin; owns a small cafe

FRANCIS: Male. Stage manager in Georges' club; strong dancer

THE LES CAGELLES: Chantal, Monique, Dermah, Nicole, Hanna, Mercedes, Bitelle, Lo Singh, Odette, Angelique, Phaedra, Clo-Clo

TOWNSPEOPLE: Madame Renaud, Paulette, Hercule, Etienne, Babette, Colette, Tabarro, Pepe


Book by Guy Bolton and P.G. Wodehouse

Music and Lyrics by Cole Porter

First Rehearsal: January 7, 2025

Opening: January 24, 2025

Closing: January 26, 2025


Reno Sweeney: [Role Filled] A sexy evangelist turned nightclub dancer

Hope Harcourt: A beautiful debutante

Evangeline Harcourt: Hope’s mother, a widow

Lord Evelyn Oakleigh: A wealthy Englishman

Elisha Whitney: A goggle-eyed tycoon

Billy Crocker: Whitney’s young assistant

Moonface Martin: A hapless gangster, Public Enemy #13

Erma: A sexy gangster’s gal

Luke and John: Two Chinese converts

Ship’s Captain

Ship’s Purser

Ship’s Crew and Passengers

Angel #1, #2, #3, #4: Showgirls with Reno’s act

Male Quartet: Sailors

Fred: A bartender

Henry T. Dobson: A minister

Two Reporters

A News Photographer

Two FBI Agents

An Old Lady in a Wheelchair

FOLLIES in Concert

Book By James Goldman

Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim

First Rehearsal: January 14, 2025

Opening: January 31, 2025

Closing: February 2, 2025


Young Phyllis: A younger version of Phyllis, when she was an energetic and naïve Follies girl. Slightly sad and homesick. With all the drive and none of the sophistication of the adult Phyllis. Gender: Female, Age: 20 to 25, Vocal range top: E5, Vocal range bottom: B3

Young Buddy: A younger version of the Buddy we see today. Charismatic and lively, a man who knows how to have fun. Loves Sally blindly and wants to give her the world. Gender: Male, Age: 20 to 30, Vocal range top: G5, Vocal range bottom: C4

Young Ben: A not yet fully realized version of the man we see before us today, he is driven and intelligent but not quite so distinguished, and not yet frightened by his success. Gender: Male, Age: 20 to 30, Vocal range top: F5, Vocal range bottom: C4

Carlotta Campion: The one-time movie star, who is in terrific shape for her age. The kind of woman who has seen everything and is proud to be standing where she is. Gender: Female, Age: 45 to 55, Vocal range top: B4, Vocal range bottom: E3

Stella Deems: A portly woman who surprisingly moves with a special lightness; half of a former performing duo with her husband, but they gave it up to open a general store in Miami. Loves life and has led a good one. Gender: Female, Age: 55 to 65, Vocal range top: F5, Vocal range bottom: E3

Max Deems: A portly man who surprisingly moves with a special lightness; half of a former performing duo with his wife, Stella, but they gave it up to open a general store in Miami. Loves life and has led a good one. Gender: Male, Age: 55 to 65

Emily Whitman: A tiny, bright and papery woman. Married to Theodore, who teach dance together. Gender: Female, Age: 65 to 80, Vocal range top: D5, Vocal range bottom: B3

Hattie Walker: An appealingly tough, no-nonsense lady. A former knockout Follies girl from the earlier years of the shows. She has married several times and always to the same type: the bad boy. Gender: Female, Age: 65 to 75, Vocal range top: B4, Vocal range bottom: G3

Theodore Whitman: A tiny, bright and papery man. Married to Emily, who teach dance together. Gender: Male, Age: 65 to 80, Vocal range top: D4, Vocal range bottom: B2

Solange La Fitte: A French fashionista. Very much still alive and enjoying it, she is a perfume creator and seller. Has travelled the world but loves Paris more than any other place. Gender: Female, Age: 65 to 75, Vocal range top: G5, Vocal range bottom: A3

Heidi Schiller: Tall and queenly. Viennese. Incredibly rich and well known in elite social circles, she is constantly reminiscing. Gender: Female, Age: 65 to 75, Vocal range top: G5, Vocal range bottom: D4

Young Heidi: A younger version of the Heidi we see today. Already tall and queenly, but perhaps not yet rich and so well connected. Gender: Female, Age: 18 to 25, Vocal range top: A5, Vocal range bottom: E4

Dimitri Weissman: An acerbic, vital, energetic man who looks fifteen years younger than he really is. Staged the Follies every year between the great wars, and made stars of any girl he wanted from the legions who threw themselves at him. Gender: Male, Age: 70 to 80

Roscoe: An elderly showman with a majestic tenor voice who introduces the Follies girls as if no time has passed and they are still the beautiful young girls of years ago. Gender: Male, Age: 55 to 65, Vocal range top: A5, Vocal range bottom: D4

Sally Durant Plummer: Petite. Sweet-faced. Bubbly. Still remarkably like the girl she was thirty years ago. A former Follies girl, she married a man she didn't love. Needy and delusional at times. Gender: Female, Age: 45 to 55, Vocal range top: G5, Vocal range bottom: F3

Phyllis Rogers Stone: Stylish and intelligent. Her face is more beautiful now than it was thirty years ago. A woman who made her husband her life, the journey has hardened her and replaced the traces of life with cold sophistication and poise. Gender: Female, Age: 45 to 55, Vocal range top: E5, Vocal range bottom: F3

Buddy Plummer: A handsome, charismatic man with a sad face wrinkled from years of too much smiling. Stuck in a broken marriage and has had multiple affairs. Gender: Male, Age: 50 to 60, Vocal range top: F5, Vocal range bottom: C4

Benjamin Stone: Tall. Trim. Distinguished. Successful. Authoritative. A man bent on success from a young age who has achieved it and now realizes the toll it had on personal relationships. Gender: Male, Age: 50 to 60, Vocal range top: F5, Vocal range bottom: A3

Young Sally: A younger version of the adult Sally. She is perhaps the most similar to her adult counterpart of any of the foursome. Petite. Sweet-faced. Bubbly. Adventurous. Wants it all, but may not have the patience or drive to wait for it. Gender: Female, Age: 18 to 25, Vocal range top: G5, Vocal range bottom: C4

Ensemble: Old Showgirls, Showgirl Ghosts, Party Musicians, Party Staff


By Suzan-Lori Parks

First Rehearsal: January 21, 2025

Opening: February 23, 2025

Closing: March 16, 2025


Lincoln: Booth's older brother and the topdog in their relationship. A Black Man in his late 30s.

Booth: Lincoln’s younger brother and the “underdog” in their relationship. A Black Man in his early 30s.

TBD Show

May/June 2025

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