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PORTLAND STAGE COMPANY 2021-22 SEASON Submission - Portland Stage Company Auditions

Posted July 12, 2021
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PORTLAND STAGE COMPANY 2021-22 SEASON - Portland Stage Company


Portland Stage Company


LORT Non-Rep $739 weekly minimum (LORT D)


Equity actors for roles in 2021-22 season (see breakdown).

No roles will be understudied.


SEE PREPARATION IN BREAKDOWN. The body of your email must include your name, Equity status, any relevant agent information, a link to the video submission, and indicate if there are any particular characters in our season that you are interested in. Attach a PDF of your resume and a headshot (not to exceed 2MB).

Deadline: Wed, Jul 28, 2021



Anita Stewart - Executive and Artistic Director (viewing auditions)

See breakdown for production-specific personnel.


See breakdown for production dates.


Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.


Your video should not exceed three minutes in its entirety and should include (in order): your name, Equity status, the title of the work you are about to perform, and a monologue of your choice not to exceed two minutes. We recommend uploading the video to YouTube as a private video and sending us the private link.

Our proposed season: Dates for productions are subject to change based on when we are able to produce.

Perseverance by: Callie Kimball *New Work, World Premiere*
Director: Jade King Carroll
1st Rehearsal: 09/07/21
Opening: 10/01/21
Closing: 10/17/21

In 1920, Perseverance 'Percy' Turner, an African-American schoolteacher, writer, and suffragist, is determined to elevate her students above the circumstances in which they were born. One hundred years later, in the same small town of Hillcroft, Maine, Dawn Davis, a white school teacher, is running for office on a platform of education reform. The play hops back and forth in time following Percy and Dawn's storylines as they weave together through time.

Characters in 1920
Perseverance Percy Turner – Female-identifying. African-American. Mid-20s on up. A teacher, suffragist, and unpublished writer. A mix of passion and formality. She uses her commas.

Judge Elmer – Male-identifying. White. Early 30s on up. A widower and the mayor of Hillcroft, where his family has lived for generations. Is profiting nicely off of Prohibition by running a bootlegging business and using Percy's school as a cover. Doesn't worry about too many things. Not actually a judge.

Leland Moss Tarker – Male-identifying. African-American. Mid-20s on up. Served in France in World War I. Judge's hired hand. Talented at many types of jobs. A reformed sinner, he is not above profiting off the sins of white folk. A bit of a brag.

Characters in 2020
Dawn Davis – Female-identifying. White. Early 30s or up. A former teacher running for public office. Grasping onto idealism to avoid the despair that comes from seeing things as they are.

Cooper Coop Davis – Male-identifying, White. Early 30s or up. Dawn's husband and a construction site project manager. In a bid to prop up his marriage and his wife, he's renovating the municipal building into their new home.

Dilly – Female-identifying. Any race. Late 30s or up. Dawn's campaign manager. She's worked on many campaigns, none of them successful. Divorced and the opposite of idealistic. Is not above snorting crushed Adderall to deliver on a deadline.

Senior Living by: Tor Hyams and Lisa St. Lou *New Work, World Premiere*
Director: TBA
1st Rehearsal: 01/04/22
Opening: 01/28/22
Closing: 02/13/22

*all characters any ethnicity*

Senior Living is a series of vignettes set at and around a senior living community (SLC) where people are dying to live. The play is framed by a SLC talent show and between acts, we see a series of vignettes, featuring different groupings of characters, about the SLC residents.

There are four roles, two male-identifying, and two female-identifying.

The Last Ship to Proxima Centauri by Greg Lam *World Premiere* *New Work* *2020 Clauder Winner*
Director: Kevin R. Free
1st Rehearsal: 02/08/22
Opening: 03/04/22
Closing: 03/20/22

The Earth has become uninhabitable. The last escape ship from Earth (Seattle, to be exact) arrives at its new home centuries after all the others. The pilots are not prepared for what they find there: A planet full of unimpressed people of color who are not happy to see them. The Last Ship to Proxima Centauri asks us to examine 21st Century America through the lens of futurist neo-colonialism, 2000 years after the end of Must-See TV.

Morris Emerson – Male-identifying. White-American. 50. The Pilot of the ship. Gregarious. Pretty good at his job. Loves America, dammit. Speaks English only.

Adelaide “Addie” Russell – Female-identifying. White-American. 55. The Captain of the ship, Emerson’s superior. Calm and calculating. Wears her responsibility well. Speaks English and Spanish she learned in high school long ago.

Henry Hirano – Male-identifying. Japanese-American. 25. A graduate student of law. He gets along with most anyone, or at least he tries to. Speaks English only.

Tunde [toon-day] – Male-identifying. Mixed race, prominently African. 30-45. A security officer. Native of Proxima Centauri. Enthusiastic admirer of American culture but does not let that cloud his judgement. Speaks multiple languages, including perfect Mandarin and Yoruba, adequate but stilted English, and a smattering of Spanish. Coaching for Mandarin and Yoruba will be provided. Also doubles as an off-stage voice over in Act One.

Paz – Female-identifying. Mixed race, prominently Latinx. 30-45. Another security officer. Native of Proxima Centauri. Fearful of newcomers, specifically whites & males, and feels no compunction to moderate her feelings toward them. Impatient. Always on guard. Speaks Mandarin and Spanish flawlessly. Coaching for Mandarin will be provided. Also doubles as an off-stage voice over in Act One.

Sabina Book by: Willy Holtzman, Music by: Louise Beach, Lyrics by: Darrah Cloud *New Work, World Premiere*
Directors: Daniella Topal and Danilo Gambini
1st Rehearsal: 04/12/22
Opening: 05/06/22
Closing: 5/22/22

*all characters any ethnicity*

This neo-romantic, lyrical musical love story, based on the historical figures involved, tells of a severely ill-woman's journey from a psychiatric patient to a renowned psychoanalyst. Sabina's quest to find a cure for her madness, and the hero who will save her, ignites a love triangle of mythic proportions between her, Carl Jung, and Sigmund Freud. The play explores ideas of love, legacy, transformation, and the value of being heard.

Carl Jung – Male-identifying, 30s/40s. An adventurous psychologist who is unafraid to test boundaries and convictions. VOCAL RANGE: G2 to F4. A baritenor with some nice higher notes but strongest in the lower range. Historical figure was 6’1”.

Sabina Spielrein – Female-identifying, early 20s. Jung’s patient and protégé, who suffers from schizophrenia and a vulnerable heart. VOCAL RANGE: A3 to F5. A Soprano with nice lower notes.

Ludwig Binswanger – Male-identifying, 30s/40s. Jung’s skeptical colleague, who prefers traditional boundaries. VOCAL RANGE: B2 to G4. Tenor or Baritenor.

Emma Jung – Female-identifying, late 20s/30s. Jung’s enduring wife who puts family and her sense of duty before everything. VOCAL RANGE: A3 to E5. A little darker sound than Sabina, more a mezzo than soprano.

Sigmund Freud – Male-identifying, 50s. Jung’s waning predecessor, who fears no one will carry his legacy. VOCAL RANGE A2 to Eb4. More of a tenor than Jung.

***none of the roles have understudies***

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

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