Call Type
Non-Required Principal
Monday, January 20, 2014
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Minimum $671/wk
Madilyn Clark Studios
10852 Burbank Blvd
N. Hollywood, CA 91601
Strong actors of all ethnicities & strong singer/dancers of all ethnicities who act well for our 50th Anniversary Summer Season: Forever Plaid, Oklahoma!, 36 Views, and The San Patricios (World Premire). Single show contracts are available.
Please prepare one short monologue and a portion of a song. An accompanist will be provided. You do not need to sing if you are only interested in The San Patricios and/or 36 Views.
Other Dates
Other open audition dates: Mira Costa College 1/16, San Diego Grossmont College 1/17, CSU Fullerton 1/18, UC Irvine 1/19. See breakdown for full details.
Casting Director, Erik Stein
· A monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Please email for an appointment.
Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.
Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.
Planning for 10 to 12 equity contracts
We are especially looking for young Latino men and young Latina women for 'The San Patricios' and Asian women for 36 views.
Other open audition dates: Mira Costa College 1/16, CSU Fullerton 1/18, UC Irvine 1/19, North Hollywood 1/20
Forever Plaid
Director- Erik Stein
Choreographer- TBA
Rehearsal May 27
Perfomance: June 19 - June 29 in Santa Maria
July 4 - July 27 in Solvang
All four guys are mid 20's, any ethnicity, and they are very strong singers with great ears for harmony.
Francis is cast.
Sparky: The “cut-up” of the group, Sparky is always looking for ways to crack jokes. He wears a retainer and has a slight speech impediment or lisp. Even though he is energetic and clever, he cares for his stepbrother, Jinx. He sings with a joyous bravura and loves to perform. He loves to tell stories and relishes every word. He is the comic engine of the show.
Jinx: High tenor. The shy one, Jinx is usually terrified. He doesn’t always remember what songs come next or what the next move is. He is Sparky’s stepbrother and there is a little sibling rivalry going on between them. He occasionally gets a nose bleed when he sings above an A. He lives his life terrified. He sings the high notes beautifully.
Smudge: The worrier, Smudge worries about the props and the running order and always assumes that the audience won’t like him. He has a chronic nervous stomach and is very reluctant to perform. He is also very clumsy. Smudge never enjoys or appreciates what he has. He always worries about what is coming up and regrets what is past.
Director/Choreographer- Michael Jenkinson
Rehearsal June 10
Performance: July 16 - 26 in Santa Maria
August 1 - Aug. 24 in Solvang
Curly- beautiful Baritone voice, (mid to late 20's and any ethnicity) Has a confident swagger and deserves it. He is rugged, masculine, and real. He is in love with Laurey, but refuses to admit it. He’s a cowboy and the romantic lead.
Laurey- beautiful Soprano voice, (early to mid 20's and any ethnicity) She has an innocence and yet an air of knowledge about her. She lives with her Aunt Eller on a ranch and is in love with Curly, though she may not admit it.
Dream Curly- Dancer, (mid to late 20's and any ethnicity) may also be in the ensemble. He must be able to dance the lead in the dream ballet and should resemble Curly.
Dream Laurey- Dancer (early to mid 20's and any ethnicity) may also be in the ensemble. She must be able to dance the lead in the dream ballet and should resemble the actress playing Laurey
Will Parker- strong Singer/Dancer, (mid to late 20's and any ethnicity) Will is a cowboy who is skilled enough to compete in rodeos. Will is a dance role. He is interested in Ado Annie, but isn’t the brightest bulb.
Jud Fry- strong Baritone voice, (mid 20's to early 30's and any ethnicity) Jud takes care of the ranch Laurey and Aunt Eller live on. He is seen by most as an outsider. He is dangerous, which some might find attractive. He has feelings for Laurey. He is strong and a hard worker with a dark side.
Ado Annie Carnes is cast.
Aunt Eller is cast.
Andrew Carnes is cast.
Ali Hakim is cast.
Ensemble: Seeking strong dancers who sing (early 20's to early 30's) for the male and female ensemble. Featured roles will be cast from the ensemble.
The San Patricios (World Premire)
Director- Mark Booher
Rehearsal July 4th
Performance: July 31 - Aug. 17 in Santa Maria
Aug. 28 - Sept. 7 in Solvang
This is a world premire being written for PCPA by Jose Cruz Gonzalez. In the 1840s a significant proportion of the enlisted men in the United States Army were Catholic immigrants from Ireland and Germany. The Mexican government, aware of the nativist's prejudice against immigrants in the United States, started a campaign during the Mexican/American war to win the immigrants to its cause. The Mexicans urged the Irish and other immigrants to throw off the burden of fighting for the Protestant tyrants and join the Mexicans in driving the Yankees out of Mexico.
The ability to play an instrument is a plus. Several roles have been cast from the workshop, yet we are still looking for:
Ofelia: A young Mexican woman in her early 20's. She is beautiful. Many call her Mexico's enchantress. Strong actress. Wears a man's uniform and leads the Mexican army into battle.
Juan: A young Mexican man. Ophelia's younger brother. Looks to be in his teens. Young cadet in the Mexican army. Very loyal to his sister and his country.
Director- Risa Brainin
Rehearsal Aug. 12
Sept. 11 - Sept 28 in Santa Maria only
Sezuko Hearn- strong Asian Actress (late 20's to mid 30's) An up-and-coming PhD in the East Asian art department of Columbia University who is as beautiful as the lady in Darius's scroll -- and, not surprisingly, becomes the object of his desire.
Claire Tsong- strong and beautiful Asian Actress, (mid 20's to mid 30's) A performance artist and sometime restorer who persuades John to make a really big deal out of his little impromptu hoax.
John Bell is cast.
Elizabeth Newman-Orr is cast.
Darius Wheeler is cast.
Owen Matthiassen is cast.