Men and women, 20s – 50s, Latino/Latina. To appear in the ensemble and play various parts. All must dance and have great pop voices.
Please prepare 16 bars of a pop song showing range. Bring sheet music; A piano accompanist will be provided.
Bring a photo and resume stapled together.
Other Dates
Lab Dates: October 27 – November 21, 2014
Note: Only AEA performers will be seen at this call.
Non-AEA performers please attend the OPEN call on 9/9 at Pearl Studios, 500 8th Ave, 4th fl.
NOTE: Performers of all Latin backgrounds strong encouraged to attend.
General Manager: Charlotte Wilcox / The Charlotte Wilcox Company
Director: Jerry Mitchell
Choreographer: Sergio Trujillo
Music & Lyrics: Gloria & Emilio Estefan
Book: Alexander Dinelaris
Casting: Telsey + Company / Justin Huff
· Chorus rules are in effect.
· A monitor will be provided.
Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.
Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.