5 Star Theatricals
LOA $652 weekly minimum (LOA ref COST)
Equity actors for principal roles in NEWSIES (see breakdown).
Local Thousand Oaks/Los Angeles actors encouraged to submit.
5-Star has 3 available Equity contracts for this production.
As an Equal Opportunity Employer, 5-Star Theatricals does not discriminate in employment based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Qualified applicants are considered for all positions without regard to age, marital status, sexual orientation, or the presence of a non-job-related medical condition or handicap. We are committed to identifying & interrupting instances of racism & all forms of oppression, through the principles of inclusion, diversity, equity, & accessibility. Performers of all gender expressions, all sexual orientations, all body types, all ethnicities, all nationalities, all religions, and performers with disabilities are encouraged to submit! WE WANT TO MEET YOU!
SEE PREPARATION IN BREAKDOWN. Upload your video file to our dropbox (www.dropbox.com/request/A10CaR3GhCsLUjvKL3X0) no later than April 30th at 11:00 PM PT. Please be sure to title your video as follows: ROLE- FIRST NAME_LAST NAME (e.g., KATHERINE-ADELE_DAZEEM)
Deadline: Sat, Apr 30, 2022
Viewing auditions:
Director/Choreographer: Richard Hinds
Musical Director: Wilkie Ferguson
Associate Director/Choreographer: Anthony Raimondi
Casting Director: Tal Fox
In-person callbacks by invitation will be held May 17th and 18th in Thousand Oaks. You must be available in person to be considered.
Equity rehearsals start: June 21st, 2022
Tech Week: July 11th-15th, 2022
Opens: July 15th, 2022
Closes: July 24th, 2022
Rehearsals generally run:
Tuesday-Thursday 2:30pm-11pm
Friday 2:30pm-11pm
Saturday-Sunday 10:00am-6:30pm.
Off on Mondays, except tech week.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.
* Slate (your name, location, union status, height, vaccination status)
* Please prepare one side and one song of your choice from the material in your character's packet at www.dropbox.com/sh/a9xadpow8nqxd15/AAB_8P1oQsBkCLhLZDKmFB4Ca?dl=0. For Davey, please prepare one of the general Newsie sides. If unable to work with a reader, please submit a short 1 minute monologue of your choice.
If you are auditioning for Katherine, please also prepare the combination for “King of NY Women” (www.dropbox.com/sh/stj8f0alsxaqu3f/AACrKM7YC6btbOkfr6cS6W3Ya?dl=0). If you are auditioning for Davey or
Crutchie, please also prepare EITHER “Seize the Day” (www.dropbox.com/sh/4rg575oiffoypop/AABtzxUTUq6uzpWxBpoLQi65a?dl=0) OR “King of NY Men” (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6j0u0nnafbapjx2/AACeMAaEcF7uOpy-YHLj8lpaa?dl=0)
Jack Kelly | Male, 17 - 22 years old. Handsome, passionate and charismatic leader of the Newsies. A street-smart kid with a dark artistic soul right beneath the bluster. Not a blowhard. This kid's the real thing. Has a great pop tenor voice.
Katherine Plumber | Female, 17 - 22 years old. The strong-willed daughter of Pulitzer. This young lady drips smarts, opinions and confidence. A young Katherine Hepburn type. This damsel needs no prince to save her. Has a great pop/contemporary musical theater voice with a high belt.
Davey | Male, 16 - 21 years old. A thinker. Raised in a home as opposed to the other Newsies, Davie is the book-smart counterpoint to the other boys. The voice of reason. A nice Jewish boy. Has a great contemporary tenor voice.
Joseph Pulitzer | Male, 40s. The boisterous forefather of Wm. F. Buckley Jr, Glenn Beck and Rupert Murdoch. An on point, know it all, politician. Impolite and impatient with the world. Sings well.
Crutchie | Male, 17-22 years old. A slight, sickly boy with a huge heart. He walks with the aid of a crutch due to a bad leg, but that doesn't hold him back from being right in the middle of any mischief. A real charmer.
Medda | (Nun in Opening) Female, 40s – 60s. A vaudeville star of the Bowery variety. Risqué, tough, with a big voice and GREAT comic delivery.
Les | Male, 10 -12 years old. The fearless kid brother of Davey. Excited by everything the world has to offer and eager to join in the adventure. Fun is this kid's middle name. Sings really well.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.