Hartford Stage Company Inc. | Hartford, CT
LORT Non-Rep
$1100 weekly minimum (LORT B)
Equity actors for roles in HURRICANE DIANE (see breakdown).
WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER: We are committed to a strong anti-racist ethos and a collective recommitment to nurture and sustain a culture of equity, inclusion and belonging at our organization. We seek to build a team that is passionate about theatre and that reflects the abundant vibrancy and diversity of our city, state, and nation. We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applications will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, gender-identity, sexual orientation, familial status, religion, ability, age, national origin, class and veteran or immigrant status.
Please submit your headshot and resume for consideration. Please include name of project, role and union status in subject line.
Deadline: 02/06/2025
By Madeleine George
Directed by Zoë Golub-Sass
Casting Directors: Alaine Alldaffer, Lisa Donadio
First Rehearsal: May 6, 2025
First Preview: June 5, 2025
Opening: June 13, 2025
Closing: June 29, 2025
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.
NOTE: While the characters are written with he/him or she/her pronouns in the original scripts, we welcome gender non-conforming, genderqueer, transgender, and non-binary actors to audition for the roles they most identify with. We will also list race/ethnicity when specific to the character but are otherwise seeking all races and ethnicities. In addition, we will list disability when specific to a character, but are otherwise seeking actors of all abilities. Thank you to First Folio Theatre for inspiring the language in this note as we work towards a more inclusive casting process.
CAROL FLEISCHER: Female. White. Mid-30s-early 40s. Abides by the rules; holds fast to her boundaries. Tidy and organized. Loves order and HGTV magazine. Polite but not a pushover. Works in pharmaceutical compliance. Favors close tailored Talbots and Lands’ End Starfish casual knits.
PAM ANNUNZIATA: Female. White. 40s. Stay at home mom. Full blooded Italian, both sides. Proud of her heritage but hasn’t been back to Italy yet. Dutiful, loyal, protective, big-hearted. Bold and direct. Always prepared for natural disasters. Favors an animal-print wrap dress and “jewelry so fabulous it could be used to signal a landing plane.”
RENEE SHAPIRO-EPPS: Female. Black, Indigenous, Person of Color. 40s. Confident and career-driven. Former resident of a permaculture commune now stuck in manicured suburbia. Settled into a heterosexual marriage; she often mentions her one college girlfriend. Hungry for more in life. Editor at HGTV Magazine. Favors Eileen Fischer neutrals and loungewear.
BETH WANN: Female. White. 30s. Recently divorced. Lawn overgrown. Seems a bit aloof, but deep down she is driven by a hunger for connection. Great capacity for both gentleness and wildness. Vulnerable with a hidden strength.
DIANE: Female or Non-Binary. Any race/ethnicity. 30s-50s. Dionysus in their latest form – a lesbian permaculture landscape architect. “A butch charm factory, with [a] combination of swagger and stillness.” Smooth, powerful, and magnetic. Irresistible and impish – but in that particular Greek Demi-God kind of way. Favors the garb of an ancient deity as well as long shorts, Smartwools, and boots.