Equity actors and actors who sing, for various theatres 14-15 seasons.
See separate notices for each participating theatre's breakdown (Separate notices and breakdowns for participating theatres are posted on Casting Call only if the theatre submits it to AEA. If you see a theatre listed as participating but do not see a separate notice for it on Casting Call, it just means that the theatre did not submit that information to AEA in order for it to qualify as part of an AEA requirement. However, that theatre is still participating in these auditions.)
See THIS breakdown for current list of participating theatres.
All actors will be given 3 minutes to perform: 2 song selections, a song/monologue combination, or 1 monologue. You will be contacted by a staff member to confirm an appointment and will be required to send forty photocopies of your headshot for the attending organizations.
Other Dates
More information is available at
Appointments will be accepted on a first come first serve bases until full. Equity members are still encouraged to come to the audition to sign up for stand-by list.
· A monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Please email
Include the following: Your name, phone number, and choices of appointment times. There are NO fees.
Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.
Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.