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EUREKA DAY Equity Principal Actors - Manhattan Theatre Club Auditions

Posted August 7, 2024
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EUREKA DAY - Manhattan Theatre Club

EUREKA DAY - NYC EPA Revised Manhattan Theatre Club | New York, NY

Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA


Updated Preparation with link to Sides.


Monday, August 19, 2024

9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (E)

Lunch 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


LORT Non-Rep

$1942 weekly minimum (LORT A+)


Equity actors for roles in EUREKA DAY (See breakdown).

All roles will be understudied.


Please prepare EITHER a two-minute contemporary monologue, OR one of the provided sides. Side can be found here: .

Sides will also be available at the audition. Also, bring your headshot and resume stapled together.



Actors' Equity New York Audition Center 165 W 46th St

16th Fl

New York, NY 10036


Playwright: Jonathan Spector

Director: Anna D. Shapiro

Casting Directors: David Caparelliotis & Kelly Gillespie

Expected to attend:

Casting Directors: David Caparelliotis, Kelly Gillespie, Joe Gery

Casting Assistant: Malaika Fernandes


1st Rehearsal: 10/22/24

1st Preview: 11/25/24

Opening: 12/16/24

Clear through: 3/16/25


EPA Procedures are in effect for this audition. An Equity Monitor will be provided.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.


SYNOPSIS: Eureka Day is a private California elementary school with a Board of Directors that values inclusion above all else – that is, until an outbreak of the mumps forces everyone in the community to reconsider the school’s liberal vaccine policy. As cases rise, the board realizes with horror that they’ve got to do what they swore they never would: make a choice that won’t please absolutely everybody.


SUZANNE: [CAST: Jessica Hecht] Mid-50s. White. Warm and Gracious. Moved to Berkeley after college when her then boyfriend now-husband started graduate school at UC Berkeley. Raising her family and nurturing the school are her life’s work, and fully entwined. Once her youngest was in school she started working part-time as a life-coach, after being encouraged to it by so many friends who she’d helped through difficult times. Has a home worth four million dollars (though she’ll tell you it was much much much cheaper when they bought), but thinks of herself as “comfortable” rather than “wealthy.” Mother of Sebastian, Arlo, Izzy, Juniper, Tompkins, and Walden.

DON: [CAST: Bill Irwin] Late 60s-early 70s. White. Head of school. A calming presence. Has worked hard to become the man he is. From New England, moved to Berkeley in the mid-80s chasing the last gasp of hippie-dom. Started in education as a music teacher, and on difficult days fantasizes about going back to it. Has lived with his partner in the same rented In-Law unit for 25 years. She makes pottery. They do silent meditation retreats at Esalen three times a year. No kids.

CARINA: [CAST: Amber Gray] Early 40s. Black. A joiner. Her parents were in the Foreign Service. She grew up overseas and had gone to eight different schools by the time she graduated from high school. This made her skilled at landing in a new environment, figuring out the rules, and putting other people at ease. Her wife is from the Berkeley and always wanted to come back, so they moved nine months ago from the East Coast. Isn't sure how much she loves living here, but is working hard to convince herself she does, because her wife never wants to leave. She’s worked for non-profits her whole professional life, so has spent A LOT of time in board meetings. And dealing with well intentioned white people. Mother of Victor.

MEIKO: [CAST: Zoe Chao] Mid 30s. Biracial Japanese/White (describes herself as Hapa). Berkeley native. Wry sense of humor. Went to UC Berkeley and has never lived anywhere else, or wanted to. A landscape architect, which she’s good at but a little bored by. A year after the end of a tortured on again off-again eight-year relationship, became a single mother by choice, of Olivia. When her daughter was young, Meiko’s mother was effectively a co-parent, but less so now. Would like to have another child, but feels like she’s too old to think about doing it alone, again.

ELI: [CAST: Thomas Middleditch] Mid 30s. White. Jewish or half-Jewish. Oblivious but well meaning. From Southern California, went to Stanford and then straight into working at a tech start-up. Cashed out three years ago, and has been in search of how to occupy his time and exercise his mind. An expert pickler, competitive rock climber, manager of family wealth. Went through an intense Ayn Rand phase in college, which now fills him with shame, but which he has also never fully shaken. When he and his wife first decided to open up their marriage, they spent many hours in therapy making sure they were approaching it in a thoughtful and intentional way. But that was a long time ago. Father of Tobias.

WINTER: 30s – 50s. Person of Color. A parent. This is a walk-on role with no lines. Will be played by the understudy for Carina or Mieko.

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