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BROADWAY CENTER STAGE 2024-2025 SEASON Equity Principal Actors - Kennedy Center Auditions

Posted August 30, 2024
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BROADWAY CENTER STAGE 2024-2025 SEASON - Kennedy Center


Kennedy Center, The | Washington, DC


Wednesday, September 11, 2024
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (E)
BREAK: 1:30PM - 2:30PM


Special Agreement
$1,888 weekly minimum


Equity actors for roles in Broadway Center Stage's 2024-25 season (see breakdown).


Please prepare a short musical theatre song in the style of the show(s) you are auditioning for. Please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.


Pearl Studios (500)
500 8th Ave
New York, NY 10018-6504
Studio 311 holding room; 315 auditions


See breakdown for production-specific personnel.
Geoff Josselson (Geoff Josselson Casting) or Kristian Charbonier (The Telsey Office)


See breakdown for production-specific dates.


Venue: The Kennedy Center, Washington D.C.
EPA Procedures are in effect for this audition.
An Equity Monitor will be provided.
Equity's contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.
Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.
Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA





Director / Choreographer: Danny Mefford
Music and Lyrics: William Finn
Book: Rachel Sheinkin
Casting Director: Geoff Josselson, CSA
First Rehearsal (in NYC): Monday, September 23
Tech (in DC): Tuesday, October 8
Performance Dates (DC): Friday, October 11 – Sunday, October 20, 2024 (11 performances)

Seeking actors of any race/ethnicity, gender identities, body types and abilities to embody the truth and humanity of six prepubescent kids and the adults in their lives, as they compete in a local spelling bee.


    Male, 20s-30s, to play preteen. The reigning spelling bee champion, returning to defend his title. A boy scout; he’s confident, athletic, charming and outgoing. He expects things to come easily to him. Puberty is now hitting at an inopportune time and the unexpected hormonal changes could hinder his chances at winning this year. Also plays JESUS who talks to Marcy. Tenor.
    Female, 20s-30s, to play preteen. The youngest of the spellers, but a high-strung social justice warrior and political spitfire. Seemingly polite and put together at most times, she’s incredibly stressed because of internal pressure and pressure from her two fathers and her need to make them proud. She is very smart and practices harder than anyone. She has a lisp, but doesn’t let it slow her down. Mezzo/Alto belter.
    Male, 20s-30s to play preteen. No one is more excited to be in the Bee, he was a second alternate and was surprised to get the call to compete. Home schooled along with his many siblings, he has an active imagination, but an inferiority complex and Attention Deficit Disorder. To compensate, he is fascinated by everything, amused by everyone and goes into a trance-like state that surprisingly helps him spell hard words correctly. He doesn’t expect to win and is just happy to be accepted and included. Also plays CARL DAD, one of Logainne’s two fathers. Tenor.
    Male, 20s to 30s to play preteen. A finalist last year, he was eliminated because of an allergic reaction to peanuts. His famous Magic Foot method of spelling has boosted him to spelling glory, even though he only has one working nostril and a touchy personality. Cocky but insecure, he is focused on winning and is not there to make friends. He has an often-mispronounced last name: it is Bar-FAY, not BARF-ee (there's an accent aigu, he explains with some hostility). He develops a crush on Olive during the second half of the show. Baritone.
    Female, 20s to 30s, to play preteen. A recent transfer student who attends Catholic School, she is an overachiever and is good at everything and is expected to be. She speaks six languages, is a member of an all-American hockey team, a championship rugby player, plays Chopin and Mozart on multiple instruments, sleeps only three hours a night, hides in the bathroom cabinet, and is getting very tired of always winning. She is also not allowed to cry and can come across as dry and unfeeling. Soprano/belter.
    Female, 20s-30s, to play preteen. A newcomer to the competition and single child to absentee parents, she loves words and spends most of her time daydreaming and alone reading her dictionary. There she finds peace and comfort. Polite and painfully shy, but sweet and positive. She’s thoughtful and very attentive to other spellers’ needs. Soprano/high mixed belt.
    Female, late 30s-40s. Putnam County’s number one realtor and longtime spelling bee host. A former Spelling Bee champion, it was a highlight of her life and she loves to reminisce about it. Well liked and respected, she is sweet and proud of her accomplishments and her love for the competition. Warm and friendly, but can be stern and no-nonsense when needed to maintain control over the proceedings. Must be adept with improvisation and audience interaction, as she acts as our guide in explaining the rules and expectations throughout the night. Also plays OLIVE’S MOM. Soprano with strong mix.
    Male, late 30s-40s. A beleaguered and frustrated Vice Principal, who is filling in as guest judge after a ‘incident’. Indefinitely awaiting his promotion to Principal, he doesn't really care about spelling or the Bee but enjoys the slight power trip as judge. Hoping to redeem himself from his previous mishap, but still has a curmudgeonly edge to him. He is infatuated with Rona, and takes the rules seriously in order to impress her. Provides the words, definitions and sentence for each speller. Must be adept with improvisation and audience interaction. No solo singing.
    Male, 30s-40s. An ex-con doing community service as a ‘comfort counselor’ at the Bee. May initially appear out of place and intimidating, he is actually deeply caring and has a heart of gold. He helps teach the spellers about losing with dignity. Also plays DAN DAD, one of Logainne’s two fathers, and OLIVE’S DAD. Soulful Baritenor who can riff.


Director / Choreographer: Christopher Gattelli
Book, Music and Lyrics: Cinco Paul
Casting Director: The Telsey Office/Kristian Charbonier, CSA
First Rehearsal (in NYC): January 13, 2025
Tech (in DC): January 29, 2025
Performance Dates (DC): January 31 - February 9, 2025


  • [MELISSA GIMBLE] Character portrayed is female, 35-45, an OBGYN who loves musicals and feels compelled to help change the people around her.
  • [JOSH GIMBLE] Character portrayed is male, 35-45, an orthopedic surgeon who hates musicals and is closed off emotionally.
  • [BETSY MCDONOUGH] Character portrayed is female, 18-24, the extremely flirtatious and gorgeous farmer’s daughter who is younger than she looks. Needs to be able to sing.
  • [DANNY BAILEY] Character portrayed is male, 30s, the ruggedly handsome Tunnel of Love operator who is the town’s bad boy. He is trouble with a capital T. Our Billy Bigelow. Needs to be a great mover who can sing in a classic Broadway style.
  • [EMMA TATE] Character portrayed is female, 25-45, the town schoolmarm. Pretty but severe, she is smarter and more progressive than everyone else in town. Raising her little brother Curtis (who turns out to be her son). A classic Broadway soprano who can tap dance.
  • [MILDRED LAYTON] Character portrayed is female, 40s-50s, the reverend’s wife who is in everybody’s business. She believes she is the town’s moral compass and delights in her moral superiority. Judgmental and manipulative. The heavy of our story. Needs to be able to sing a classic Broadway style.
  • [MAYOR ALOYSIUS MENLOVE] Character portrayed is male, 40s-50s, warm, open-hearted, avuncular Mayor who is also a closeted gay man. He will go on a journey in which he ends up coming out to the town and putting his position as mayor in jeopardy. Needs to be able to sing in a classic Broadway style.
  • [FLORENCE MENLOVE] Character portrayed is female, 40s-50s, a bit batty and dim and oblivious, but devoted to her husband - the mayor. Needs to be able to sing a classic Broadway style.
  • [REVEREND HOWARD LAYTON] Character portrayed is male, 40s-50s, the gentle mild-mannered religious leader of the town. He is typically being critiqued by his outspoken wife and follows every command she throws. Is also a closeted gay man.
  • [DOC LOPEZ] Character portrayed is male, 40s-50s, an incredibly handsome Captain Von Trapp-like father figure who is the town doctor. Needs to be able to sing a classic Broadway style.
  • [COUNTESS GABRIELE VON BLERKOM] Character portrayed is female, 40s, a stunning and sophisticated Hitchcock blonde who is engaged to the Colonel/Doc Riley. Needs to be able to sing a classic Broadway style.
  • [CARSON TATE] Character portrayed is male, 6-9 years old. With a pronounced lisp, he is always eagerly announcing everything happening around town. Emma Tate’s “little brother” who is actually her son.


Director: Matt DiCarlo
Music and Lyrics: Laurence O’Keefe and Nell Benjamin
Book: Heather Hatch
Based on the novel by Amanda Brown and the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer motion picture
Casting Director: Geoff Josselson, CSA
First Rehearsal (in NYC): Monday, May 19, 2025
Tech (in DC): Wednesday, June 4, 2025
Performance Dates (DC): June 6 - June 15, 2025 (11 performances)


  • [ELLE WOODS] Female, 20s. Mezzo-soprano with a high belt. Energetic, confident and bubbly, a quintessential sorority girl who follows her boyfriend to Harvard Law School to win him back. Along the way, she discovers she has much more to offer than her blonde hair. She is sharp, creative, driven and positive. A triple threat. She is onstage nearly the entire time and must be able to carry the show. Must be comfortable with dogs.
  • [EMMETT FORREST] Male, late 20s-30s. Tenor. A teaching assistant at Harvard, who mentors Elle. A smart, empathetic, humble, and sometimes sarcastic law student, he got into Harvard Law by keeping his eye on the prize and working twice as hard as everyone else. He is nerdy, stubborn and deeply caring. Must be comfortable with dogs.
  • [PAULETTE BUONAFONTE] Female, 40s-50s. Mezzo-soprano belt. Paulette is the owner of Hair Affair, a local salon. She is off-beat, but a warm-hearted, friendly and deeply caring dreamer. She becomes Elle's confidant and friend. Excellent comedian with a powerful belt to match her personality. Must be comfortable with dogs.
  • [PROFESSOR CALLAHAN] Male, 40s-60s. Tenor. A pompous, smooth, prestigious but manipulative Harvard Law professor. Has a reputation for being an extremely strict, ruthless and tough. A highly successful lawyer, who is more concerned with winning cases than ethics. He will do anything to get what he wants.
  • [WARNER HUNTINGTON III] Male, 20s. Tenor. Elle’s ex-Boyfriend. Handsome, privileged and charming, yet shallow and self-absorbed. Sees Elle as just a dumb blonde and not ‘serious’ enough to be a viable match for him. He is opportunistic and cares deeply about his reputation.
  • [VIVIENNE KENSINGTON] Female, 20s. Mezzo-soprano with a high belt. An serious, driven, uptight law student. Warner’s finance and seemingly the polar opposite of Elle. She comes from a very conservative East Coast background and is everything that Warner wants to complete his picture-perfect life. She initially dismisses Elle, but grows to respect her.
  • [BROOKE WYNDHAM] Female, 20s. Mezzo-soprano with belt. A wealthy fitness guru who is an alum of Elle’s sorority. Becomes Elle’s client, as she is currently on trial for her husband’s murder. Tough, driven and in great shape. Strong dancer, who does high-level aerobics while singing ‘Whipped Into Shape.'
  • [ENID HOOPS] Female, 20s/ Soprano/mezzo belter. A strong and passionate feminist, activist and a fellow law student at Harvard. Smart, outspoken and, while initially skeptical of Elle, eventually becomes her friend. Adept with comedy and strong mover.
  • [SERENA, MARGOT, PILAR] Females, 20s. Soprano/mezzo/alto. Elle’s trio of best friends and sorority sisters, who help her navigate the story by acting as a “Greek Chorus”. Serena is the energetic cheerleader. Margot is the seemingly dim-witted, boy-crazy sorority sister. Pilar is the confident and sensible one. Must be comfortable with dogs. Excellent triple threats.
  • [ENSEMBLE] Males and Females, 20s-40s. Strong actor/singer/dancers who play a wide variety of characters throughout the show, including sorority girls, Law School students, judges, lawyers, parents, store clerks, etc.

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